Servant of All
I'm still struggling. I went to church this mourning, (actully yesterday mourning now), and I sat with my friend like ussual. I have been paying for God to bring a special women into my life for almost 8 years now and as the years go by I watch friends and family get married, and find the love of their lives, something that I asked God for almost 8 years ago and off and on have contiued to ask for, and yet I have not recieved. I'm sick and tired of God giving them what I asked for. It's like he's purposfully trying to tease me. I don't know how else to explain it. If God still loves me why won't he give me a help mate. I feel so alone, and I am contimplating suicide because I just want it to be over. Every mourning I wake up and I eagerly antisipate, I think, "I might met her today." Then at night I feel depressed and disapointed. Another day of my life gone, and another day without her. I want to meet this wonderful person, that is if she even exist. I'm so disapointed that God has not shown her to me yet. Why is God doing this? I can't live like this anymore. I'm really, really stuggling. I need God to show me he still cares. I feel so, hopelessly lost. Doesn't God love me? I'm so upset and confussed about my life right now, and I know God is the answer, but I feel like he's not listening anymore. I feel like my prayers arn't makeing a difference. I feel so weak. I don't know what to do. I feel like such a loser. Is there any hope? Will I ever get married and have kids, and be a good father? Or will I be alone for the rest of my life? I really need someone to love on me because I feel so much pain, and I just wish there was some way that God can spaek to me and let me know he still cares. I'm a very simple guy, and I need a clear sign or answer. Please, pray for me, because I don't know if I,m going to make it tonight. Please God show yourself to me, show me that I am still yours and you have not given me up, rejected me, or left me. I want to have a help mate so bad that I dream about it. Send me an Angel, a profet aomething that shows me the way. Please pray for this in Jesus name, amen.