Dear Heavenly Father I pray for my sisters and brothers in Christ . I pray that we all put on your full Armour of God . I pray we wear it all day and night. I pray that my sister in Christ remembers your promises. I pray that she remembers you bring love,hope,faith,joy peace,happiness and all that's good. I pray that she holds you so tight and close she is squeezing you to where she has trouble breathing . I pray she stands firm feet planted on the ground arms straight out worshipping YOU. I pray she feels your love and protection all around her . And your good angels also. I pray she remembers you are already in battle over the devil and his Bad ways . I pray she remembers that you can stomp on the devil toes and take victory over the devil. I pray she remembers the devil brings fights with families,he wants to devour her,he brings depression madness guilt blame afraid panic and panic attacks anxiety and Doubt . He even tries to put nightmares also. SISTER RISE UP know that Jesus is already fighting your battles. His holding your hand and wiping your tears off your face . If you can fall on your knees and bend your head and PRAY and know God never stops working. You may not see it fast enough for you but know his working on His Time and his will. Don't let the devil sneak in . Keep his evil thoughts away . Put positive thoughts there. Cling to Jesus and his good surrounding angels. Do not doubt what God is doing . We are here for you praying. StAY strong do not get weak . In Jesus Name I pray
amen oh and if you can't get on your knees due to health issues it's OK fold your hands bend your head and pray. Do not the devil sneak in. God wins victory and pours it out . In Jesus Name