Humble Servant
I am one with the one that created me. -- Oneness in my faith. Oneness in my heart. Guided by live and wisdom. My mind is open to receive God's words for me. I asked God for wisdom and I listened for him to tell me what he wanted me to do. I stopped asking and started listening. This is real. It took me years to get out of my own way. Years of frustration wondering why and how to live. I had to lose it all to gain it all back. To realize I had nothing to begin with. Only Oneness with God. With God by God for God. We are all so connected. I can't tell you where I end and where I begin again. I am and that's it. Prayer is like a parrot talking. They talk and talk until the message comes through. I pushed myself beyond myself and found myself with only self. Self with God. Thank you Jehovah for your patience with me. I only desire to glorify your name. This prayer request site will help you with your higher intelligence and your life. Let your thoughts reflect your future interests in Jesus. Forgive yourself. Yes start there. Forgive Forgive Forgive. For giving the gifts of salvation and peace my dear friend. Jesus is my redeemer. I will be victorious in all my endeavors because of forgiveness from God. You are a gift from God. Give the gift of forgiveness to everyone. Do this with love and you'll find love and prosperity and happiness and healing and restoration. This is where things will change. God wants you and me to have the best first. Pray for others. Pray with others. Pray that others pray for you. Pray for Jesus. Remember this quote. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. It's a good quote. Don't let the enemy know you. Walk through your life in faith. See God in everyone. You are that which you are seeking. Learn about Jesus. He is us! It's not too late. I see you as well and healthy and abundant and blessed. My name is ###. I am who God created me to be. I pray blessings over all who ask. You have helped me grow in faith. Thank you for prayers for my wife and my family and friends. In Jesus name Amen and amen. And so it is.