We read,one of the signs of those who believe, "they will pick up serpents, and these will not harm them". However, we also read,"You shall not put the Lord your God to the test".Now then, there's a practice in some Pentecostal churches, in parts of the south,where the pastors pick up venomous snakes during the service, to show their faith. Now, we read about picking up snakes, but also, make note of what Jesus said to the devil, when the devil asked Him to jump off the temple,"It is also written,"You shall not tempt the Lord your God". Most viewpoints I read from "mainline" Christians disapprove of the snake handlers,because they feel it's like purposely testing God.Some others say it didn't mean literal snakes,it meant because the devil is called the original serpent, we're immune to the poison of his messages.Now, a viper came out of the fire and fastened itself on Paul, and it did him no harm-- on the other hand, some of the snake handlers have died from bites.So then, some of the Christian said, well, God will protect us if attacked, but not if we're doing it with wrong intent, like to impress Man, show off, test God. What do you think?
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