I attended a solid church this morning before work and the message was a divine appointment. It was on 7 signs of Christ's return from a learned professor and teacher of eschatology. The church was health, worship was sincere and sweet, and I did notice a worship leader that gave me the hope of a godly, legal, lifetime companion. I do not hope for the woman (experience has shown me I don't seem to get the person I like), but I do insist on the hope that could be fulfilled for a godly woman that would accentuate my giftings and callings and a pure, ordained love that is a safeguard from the increase of sin in these last days. I did not gawk or even look at her, for fear God has her for another man -- but God knows my frame and I know myself and this principle would truly be an asset in these end times. Father, as you chose Rebekah for Jacob, please choice the best helper for me in the very near future, if it be your will. If not give me strength to endure and grace to deny ungodliness, and live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present, evil age, in Jesus name, amen (
Titus 2:11-12,
Titus 2:13-14).