Sometimes there's a balancing act. We're told the tongue is evil, and cannot be controlled. We're also told lying is a sin, and someone who praises something someone does that they think is wrong,would they be being a "phony", which is like lying?Like,I've heard people praise others, and in their praise I don't see it matching their actions.And I may try to "ignore" it, but if they go on and on, and I know otherwise,why be a phony and "pretend" to agree, to be "at peace" . The Bible says, "IF POSSIBLE, be at peace with all men. "But should we compromise our principles to be "tactful?"Like an example that reminded me of this , and prompted me to post the book of Hebrews, we read what earns people a mention in the "Faith chapter". {focus on the words "earned it.'} But to the world,all someone has to do is die, and they automatically get "glorified". Latest, this Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She died, and now all I hear is what an "icon" she was.Wait a minute...she was an outspoken liberal and a Trump hater.That's the exact opposite of my viewpoints, So I didn't like what she stood for when alive, so now I'm supposed to join in in praising her in death?Or "pretend" I agree with her when I didn't,to "glorify" her in death?So the question becomes, when we don't care for someones actions, and hear someone else praise them to the high Heavens,should we be "phony" and join in the praise?Should we sacrifice our honesty to be tactful?Or should we be honest and say,"I 'm sorry, but I have a little different viewpoint of their actions".Honesty...or tact, at the expense of lying to be "tactful?"Huh?