Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare demand I release the arrow
of the LORDS deliverance in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents 2 KINGS 13:17 HIT
passage X3
fold I release YOUR SHARP
into the heart
of the KINGS
Passage hits
fold Don't breathe in my air or my families kids air chakra don't
speak through it's a game 
of James the Devil
Albert Salcedo Kayleena Freeman Christina Creller Jessica Kyle Sara Gwen Braden Richard Boyd Rebecca Myers pervert weirdo David Trimble and 50 coven these people and anyone choke on my arrows
today they don't miss your Flys and weird bugs you use choke on Vinegar no wings left
on your bugs no movements of your bugs you use I release YOUR SHARP
into the heart
of the Kings enemies X3
fold passage doesn't stop
until you don't get back up period permanently Psalm 45:5 Ordain and release YOUR arrows 
fold passage
hits against my my kids family that is a good thing innocents persecutors Psalm 7 13 don't get
back up. Send out your arrows 
fold passage
hits don't get back
your weird tormenting energy is ripped apart no tongue tongue 
control just dead inside no GRACE NO GPS NO dominion NO GLORY TO GLORY NO HEARTS DESIRES absolutely nothing of anyone's time mind spine to control choke on stolen air supply of dreams come true air hearts desires absolutely don't breathe until it silent in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents and scatter the enemy Psalm 18 14 hit
passage X3
fold my arrows don't miss they are not cheap. Make my my kids family that is a good thing innocents enemies turn their
fold hit
passage don't get back
up period permanently no dominion of anyone's ever again your name
is Vinegar you stink even skunks chase YOU
no shower
. Shoot OUT YOUR ARROWS and destroy THEM Psalm 144:6
passage X3
fold let myself my family that is a good thing innocents As my arrows that don't miss let the flys chase them weird bugs and all birds and skunks dogs crap on there lawns and cats
they will be easily found with no CONFUSION. SEND YOUR ARROWS ABROAD PSALM 77 17 hit
passage X3
fold every minute let the truth come out who is praying to steal kill block and make us 3 work for me and don't breathe near anyone and no hearts 
desires then no shower
let them not be able to move so we're safe. SEND OUT ARROWS 
fold passage
hits of LIGHT 

Of LIGHT so bright they can't see through there OJOS into the the KINGDOM of DARKNESS HAB 3:11 hit
passage X3
fold until there wipes from the EARTH
GOD HATES YOU REVEAL YOURSELVES. HEAP MISCHIEF UPON THEM AND SPEND YOUR ARROWS UPON THEM my skunks chase you everywhere you go and no one touches the
skunkssss DEUT 32:23 hit
passage X3
then my flys will chase you all bugs chase even the skunks cats dogs will crap on you piss on you just so I my family that's a good thing innocents know who you are so we can stay away as the bugs cats dogs skunks are good for us not the enemies of the LORD
the enemies of the LORD will be wounded suddenly Psalm 64 7 hit
passage X3
fold. Let YOUR ARROW
fold passage
hits go forth as LIGHTENING 

against the enemy Zech 9 14 hit
passage X3
fold Rebecca Myers your name
and the others will hit
when a thunder
24:8 hit
passage X3
fold Then let myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents have 

Laughing PSALM 2:4 we laugh
in the HOLY SPIRIT at the GODS enemies all day as they loose there negative energy 

Then let passage X3
fold hit
Hide me my kids family that is a good thing innocents from the secret counsel of the wicked 
PSALM 64:2 every minute moment day hour year continually then let passage X3
fold hit
Let the nets they have hid catch themselves and into there destruction let them fall while I myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents Escape SAFELY PSALM 140:10
hits X3
fold Them let passage hit
100 fold Loose CONFUSION and LET THEM ATTACK EACH OTHER IN the name of Jesus 2 Chronicles 20 23 X3
fold passage
hits until they have no one good vibessssssssszzzzzzz energy prayers to keep marriage to keep hearts desires to keep steal block anything let them tell on each other. Bring to the LIGHT 

the truth about Hass and Enrique no more drama or blocking stealing killing John 10 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ until I have a husband because God Almighty wants me Married I'm not going to serving anyone it was only supposed my husband and I have none. Everyone gets there lives right and forgets my name
Because there's near me that God desired it only became a JOKE
I'm not the solution now I'm not the ONE I'm not the SAVIOR I'm not the disciple and some of us know y Kayleena Freeman was there Or Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Larry Brand Deanna Brand Sara James Jake Whitaker Moore Richard Boyd is weird chasing and praying weird just a bunch of weirdos killed it for everyone. However Let the people who are a good thing in my life maybe make it that can help me just heal from GOD crying everyday through me I like having the SUN UP and I don't want my dream to come true JUST GOD CRYING 
JOSHUA NIXON chasing with a weird tongue fire coming down in I have grocery cart full of appliances and I'm still by myself. Please let BOAZ or 2 come into my life I need a make over and healing in my heart 

tattoos redone and maybe
I can somehow start a business salon eyelashes hair of something making hair dye something one of My careers can take off or just retire as a help but not everyone praying for me anymore it's making God cry more because his heart didn't matter in my life or my kids bring all to this LIGHt 
so the people understand I'm not being mean just was killed to death and the God in me in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen