Hi, i would like to ask for a prayer request. I actually have 2 things. Recently i lost my dog, about 5 months ago, which was on December 2021, i just really want him (my dog) to be in heaven. I just feel a lot of guilt, when he was sick, I didn't even try to tell an adult, I just didn't seem to care, and I didn't even spend time with him in his last few days, he died in the vet few days later after my Dad found out my dog was sick, so my dad brought him to the hospital but he sadly didn't make it. Until this day, I still feel really guilty... I really hope Jesus lets pets goto heaven. I believe Jesus is an amazing God. And knows what is best for his creations. My second prayer request is to make my family know Jesus and repent to him. My family already know Jesus, its just that they don't go to church or read Bible. The only believer in the family is me and mum. Please pray for my family and pray for my doggi. Thank you