I would like to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts regarding my situation. I have decided to keep the baby and webt for a scan I am now 9 weeks pregnant and all looks good. My mother is not speaking to me at all and my whole family is not interested in knowing anything about the pregnancy or baby. My cousin is the only one that still allows me to tell her about the baby. Brian has made it very clear he wants nothing to do with me, the baby ir our 2 and half year old daughter. He does not even ask how she us doing and has not seen her since he moved in with the girlfriend in the beginning of December. Our little girl still askes where he is and if he is coming to visit her. He hust does not care at all. He has now turned his mother against me aswel and she too doesn't want anything to do with me, the baby or our little girl. How can these people just turn their backs on my little girl like that with no care in the world. I am finding myself getting so angry at God, as I am struggling with out a car, my little girl does not understand where her father is and then I still feel so drained from the pregnancy but have to keep up a house hold alone, I have all these fears and worries and everyday reminders of brian, and he is living a great life, with this girl that has offered in a nice place to stay, a car, financially they are doing so well, he is being taken care of and looked after while myself and my daughters whole word os falling apart. I jist can not understand how someone that just leaves his daughter and unborn baby behind without any care can be so blessed ut just makes me so sad. I am trying to stay positive but cabt help to feel that Brian and girlfriend dies not deserve all this happiness. I dont know what to believe anymore really. I know I need to pray but I am struggling to believe, I am just feeling so negative and angry.