Irene Ackerman
Disciple of Prayer
Hi, I hope all is well. Please, please, please could I request prayer??? I am struggling to hold on and stAy positive. This has been the worst year of my life and I have found myself so many times fighting with myself and God for all that has happened. I have a two and a half year old little girl and last year September her father left us he was with a girl for 4months in that time he saw our little princess a few times, all this time I was praying for God to open his eyes and be a good father and that God's will be done, on 21 January he came to see me and we started dating again he saw our little princess everyday and she was in her element, he was so good with her and loved being around her. Unfortunately I neglected my faith and before I knew it everything started spyreling out of control and Brian left again, this time he moved in with another woman with a child, in 6 months he saw our daughter twice and her heart was broken so much she asked for him daily, he looked after this other little girl like his own, and he never asked about our child, it was a very difficult time as I was unemployed and struggling to make ends meat, but my faith was strong and God provided for me and my little girl although she missed her daddy we started building a life without him. Praying constantly and feeling happy with what God has instore for us. Two months ago Brian's stood infront of my door again begging for another chance and for me to help him tomorrow find God, for the first 3 weeks things went so well as a family myself, brian and our little girl prayed every night before bed and ee were so close and happy I just could not believe it. But thing started to change and slowly we had more and more friends over and having braais and before I knew it we stoped praying together and all we die was fight about everything, 3 weeks ago he met a girl at work and he changed completely towards me he was still amazing with our daughter but he became very distant with me. Then finally two weeks ago he moved out of my home and is now dating this girl, living with her and introducing her to the family. Once again my daughter is crying and constantly askes if daddy misses her. We have not heard from him since he moved in with her except for a msg to say he wants to start a new life and forget about us. I have done tests and I am 8 weeks pregnant, he wants nothing to do with the baby and has told me to go for an abortion. My family has also asked that I go for an abortion. I dont understand how this man can break myself and our child down so much, I know he craves God but the devil keeps dragging him away. I am now at a point where I dont want to pray for him anymore, all my friends and family have truned their backs on me as they are angry eith me for allowing him back into our lives and falling pregnant. I dont know what to do, I can not help to believe and think that there is good in brian and that I need to pray for him and our children, but I am so tired and I am so scared as I no longer know what the future holds and I dont know if I can raise two children on my own, and everytime my daughter askes if daddy is comming to visit her I get so angry and I worry about having two children being rejected by their father. This is a mouthful I know, but I need prayer, I need guidance as I just feel like giving up and getting up in the mornings are just getting more difficult. I struggle to understand why Brian keeps on meeting these woman and how he can fall in love so easy and just turn his back on me and our children so easy. I really just need guidance and strength. I am feeling so alone and feel like brian is blessed with love and happiness and I am so alone and worried how to keep positive for my unborn babay and two year old daughter. Please can you pray for my family?? Please, please, please.