Servant of All
Abba Father, gracious & full of compassion. Our rock who's is perfect for all Your ways are justice, a God of truth without injustice, righteous & upright. Who redeemed us from an empty life & from slavery of a life of futility. Righteous Father help us to be holy in all our conduct in our entire way of life & help us to continue to be seperate from anythings polluted or profane & to continue to yield to Your ten commandments as well as statutes & judgments based upon them because doing so we will produces holy conduct. Help us to use Your commands in structuring our lifes. Favor us in helping us to purify our souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in a sincere love to the brethren, to love one another fervently in a pure heart. Gracious Elohim empower us by Your spirit to reject the temptation to conform to the old desire of our carnal nature & help us to rid ourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy & slander of every kind. Help us to become obedient children who instinctively thirst for the Your word & use the spiritual food we receive from Your word to help us grow in understanding & to overcome our weaknesses. Abba Father help us to be living stones for the spiritual house that are being built. Guide us to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable To You Eternal through Christ. Help us to being joined together to grow into a holy temple in the Lord in whom we also are being built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit. Hear & answer us for You will not despised who is poor & of a contrite heart & trembles at Your words & are hoping to find grace in time of need. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, Yours is the kingdom the power & the glory forever. In Jesus name the way, the truth & the life. Amen