Beloved of All
Lor dplease heal my mom form asperger synodrm and whoever need healign form this and please provid eme wiht the love care sand support form enurotypical peoel who ca provide me this iype of support. i m nto an emotionless zombie an dim tired of not hebign bale to commcuniate with almsot my entire efmaiyl . i feel aloen. carign for peopel who dont car eor knwo myheart at all. Lor dpeas egiv eme a a neuropypical christian husband if oyu are wilolign a spuse a partner a companion someoen i can cry iwht laguh with joke with i am unabel to cmmucniate iwht peopel who has apserger syndorme.i am ever ymeoitonala n fi i really stink at verbal commucniation esptailly this isnt even my native land . i feel laoen i dotn want ot be aloen aanymore.i am aksign for a spiuse who spend tiem wiht ME who cares about Me and not one side .i am evry ill wiht th illnesses and i care fo rill peoel. i want soem joy in my life .its har don me. askign God ot be merciful take this cassandra syndorme away. i am unabel tocommunciatr wiht my parnts. i am unabelt o talk to them about aynhtign. its only obedience wiht htem.i m tire dof this at the athe ago of 35. i am tire of being a liitl,el dog who has to just jump at my parnts command.i am heartborken tired sikc lonely and ill. Lor diask you to pelase do a miracl ein ym situaiton.i do not want to spend the est of my life always one sided relationship including wiht hthe Lord wher ei dont matter tha tis abusive intentional or not . i dotn want to live liekt hat. i cannot go on liek that an di i cannoz commucniate wiht God nro with man. i am laoen always aloen.if eel curse di feel sad scared aloen. i am unabel to tlakt o anyoen about how i feel caus eno one care sor understand sor cares. if eel like im stukc in a pit i cannot ge tout prayers odtn help. i have no idea how ot take car eof myself stand up for my self becua sie feel so briken my body need helaign form autimien conditions and my teeht make me depresse di cry all day every day. i dont hknwo how ot ge otut of this hel.. i have coornphibai germs dirt phobia jsut mental and physcial illness maybe cance irnt he brian i have no help cant go to a doctor. im aksing the Lor dbe merciful take away oyur wraht be kidn so i can be kind to others. i do not want to be abused anymore not valifdated neevr findign joy in my relationships becuae i jsut neve rmatter. Lord help me in this area.if i have to be alone o aloen for the res tof my life i woudl rather die.. the onyl thing keepng me goign is my grandma but i feel horribel i do not knwo how to care fo rher or myself wiht have the same condition wiht high bloos sugar and its alivign hell eevry day. I odnt feel liek aloen.nothign is worse htna feelign so aloen oyu wanna crscea you hearotu everyday allda.y soemoen lok at me help me