Prayer Warrior
I pray for great health and to be able to heal and get back to myself. I am traumatized from living with my aunt; her daughter used to stare at me from the kitchen while I’d be inside the living room. I felt as if something was off. I pray for strength and healing, better days, and to stop walking around everywhere and learn how to take better care of myself. I was walking around sitting in parks for a long time, very depressed and unhappy, just wanting things to get better for me. I used to travel so far for work; it was awful. I just wanted to work but I barely was making any income. One of the women that worked there came at me crazy; she had asked me if I knew where she had to go, but it was my first day or I was training, it probably was my second or third day. But she just walked up to me, didn’t say hi or nothing, and started asking me where she had to go. I didn’t like that. I felt like she didn’t like me and didn’t care for me, but she didn’t even know me. I had an issue with another lady who was doing the lottery, and it was my first day training for the lottery. I was working overnight with her, and she was driving me mad and kept saying I had to do things this way and how I was making mistakes, but it wasn’t my fault. I pray for healing and that I get back towards myself. I was stressed out catching cabs trying to catch the bus towards work; it was way too far for me. Then I had to stand and wait for the bus outside the next morning. I was only making $### dollars an hr working overnight shifts; it was awful. I was applying for jobs anywhere and not realizing that I can apply for jobs that will pay me more money instead of traveling so far for work. I can learn to take better care of myself. Certain people are sick. I just want to be happy and take care of myself better. I want a husband one day. I want my own home so I can cook, be happy, listen to music, dance. I haven’t danced in a while, and I used to dance in the living room all the time. I was very unhappy for years. I would just be mad, angry. I was upset if people would stare at me out in public; it was bad. I was arguing with random people in the staircase. I just didn’t know what to do. I hated my life and my house. I wanted to move. I hated staying at home with my mother and my brother. The building that I live in makes me very sad, unhappy. I don’t like it here, and I want to move. There’s not much to do here. I would rather live somewhere else. Thank God that I do have somewhere to stay right now, but I would like my own place. I just pray that things get better for me. I pray for protection from the floors and the elevator and the intercom. I felt as if the entire building was attacking me. I didn’t like how I had felt and wanted to move. It’s like my mother had her own issues, and I would get aggravated quick. I didn’t like that she would copy off of everything I would do. She would wear my t-shirts when she had her own money to buy a t-shirt; she must have liked the way I dressed. I didn’t mind it, but she was stretching out my good t-shirts, and she was bigger than me. I pray that I can learn to continue to be confident in myself. I didn’t want to get dressed up because I felt like she would watch me, and she would hate on me. I didn’t like being around her. She would tell me where to put my clothes; she would move my shoes around without telling me where they were. Me and her were getting into fights; it was very bad. She kicked me out, and I had gone by my aunt’s house right before she kicked me out. I already knew that I had somewhere to stay, and she wouldn’t answer me or pick up the phone for me; it was bad. She gave me fake keys when I came out of the hospital and told me that I was getting back to myself. She said if I had gone outside for a walk, she used to tell me to get out and leave all the time; she was terrible. I didn’t like being around her. My father told her not to put me out on the streets, but she kept saying that she was. She was not a patient woman and wanted everything to go her way. I didn’t want to live with her. When I would be sitting down inside of the parking lot inside of my building, she would walk right past me as if she didn’t notice me. She told me not to follow her one day. One day she kept moving money and not putting it inside of my hand so I would have to reach for it instead of her putting it inside of my hand. She would drive off on me when I would be angry. She left me one time on ### Ave and kept going. She said I was acting crazy, but she kept asking me for directions and kept asking, and I got aggravated and started telling her I didn’t know where to go. When I had got out of the car, she turned around, got inside her car, and drove off on me and left me at the random street alone. I had to call my uncle for him to come and get me; it was awful. One time she told the lady on the phone that I was screaming at her, then she tried to talk to me. Crazy. I wanted to get away from her. She started switching up around other family members; it was bad. She started talking bad about me and acting as if I was the problem and I was only trying to help her. She was rushing me again to find directions on her phone, and I was following the GPS, and she started calling people on me. She called the place the test center where they test your skin; they put patches on you, and you get paid; that’s where she had wanted to go, and she had gotten upset with me and tried to throw me off. She even stopped me from getting paid. I had test stickers on my entire body and was supposed to go back for them to take them off, and she never took me back. I missed out on $###. She was supposed to help me get a car, but she never helped me. She would tell me to save up money all the time, but when I would get close, she would tell me that I needed more money. She kept me inside of a bad school when I was younger, and I wanted to go to a private school. She ignored me and didn’t allow me to go, so I had to stay inside of a school I didn’t like. I hated it. I didn’t like the students or anything; it was a bad experience. I had phony friends. I hated my school and wanted better for myself. I wanted to be with my friends who stayed across the street from me; they were good people. I didn’t want to follow them, but I grew up with them, and we walked to school together. I wanted to go to a good school too, and I never did. I pray that I go back to school one day. I pray for my health to be better so I can focus and do well. I pray for brighter days. I pray for a new job. I pray that I’m able to open up my own business online one day. I would like to create content on YouTube and Instagram and be healthy. I want to make healthy smoothies and juices and just do things that I love doing while promoting it on social media. I pray to be protected while I do those things. I pray to start singing again and that my voice comes back. I pray for a husband. I pray for a new home. I pray for a new car. I pray for a new iPhone. I pray for strength and protection. I pray for my body to heal and that I recover from years of being unhappy and stressed out. It’s like my body has changed, and I became unhealthy, having bad eating habits, eating everything, not acting like myself, not washing up, not sitting down on the toilet at my own house or my family’s house, just not being true to myself, allowing folks to disrespect me and talk towards me crazy, arguing with my cousin and feeling intimidated and as if she was prettier than me because of how well she used to take care of herself. I never used to worry about those things when I used to take care of myself. I was always fine and healthy and good-looking. I pray that I get back to taking care of myself and being happy, smiling, taking showers, being clean, being healthy and happy. I pray that my spirit and my soul shines bright and comes back. It’s like I had lost my thrill for life. I pray to heal from anxiety and depression. I pray to get back to myself and laugh more, speak towards people more, and just be a better woman. I pray to make new friends. I want to be happy and healthy. I don’t want to be down. I don’t really need a lot of new friends, but I would like to create genuine friendships with people. I pray to move out of the building that I live in. I hate the wooden floors. I feel as if the guy upstairs did something to the floors. I feel as if the man upstairs listens inside of my apartment for a long time. I’ve felt that way, and honestly, I felt like he was trying to read inside of my mind. I was depressed for years because of him partially. He was moving around above my head making noise; it never used to bother me as much as it did today or affect my nerves or my body. I pray for strength and healing. I pray that my fingers heal. I pray to heal from flat feet. I pray to heal from the tear in my back. I pray to heal from stress and depression and anxiety. I pray to heal from schizophrenia if I do have it; doctors diagnosed me with it and said that I was paranoid and that they wanted me to take medication. They were about to put me inside of a program because I kept going towards the hospital; it was very bad. I hated myself for doing that and realized that that’s something I can’t take back. I felt as if I ruined myself. I ruined my self-image. I betrayed myself. People really thought I was crazy. They diagnosed me with bipolar as well, and I never mentioned any of these things towards these people. They said I was going through a mid-life crisis. They said something else was wrong with me. One lady said I was suicidal at the hospital, then the rest of the workers started repeating it, and at that time, I wasn’t suicidal; it was bad. I feel like everywhere I go now, they’re going to look at my medical records and treat me differently like a crazy woman. They had me sitting down in the hospital for hours when they saw I was there. They had talked to my mother, and they said she wanted me to stay there because I wasn’t taking showers; it was bad. My grandmother wanted me to take better care of myself. They said my hygiene was bad. She wanted me to work and make money and to take better care of myself and fix my hair up. I wasn’t doing any of those things and was just worried about my man upstairs and him making noise. I could feel him over my body just moving things around. I don’t like it. My patience is bad sometimes. I don’t be liking folks. I can sense when some people are just off. I pray to heal and get back to myself. I used to stay in this area; I live in a lot, and the people would treat me fair. I felt as if sometimes I had issues with the woman that worked inside of the supermarket when I walked inside there. The lady attacked me and told me she couldn’t hear me when I heard her loud and clear. They used to hire anybody, and they were street hood. It’s in an ok area. I just pray to get back to myself and stop worrying of negative people at grocery stores and people being mean and evil; it was affecting my mental health for years. I was sad and depressed, allowing people to treat me any type of way, and I used to always stand up for myself. I got into it with a security guard at the hospital; she was asking me who I was calling and got mad at me when I said does it matter. She attacked me and started calling me ugly, telling me my feet were dirty and that I didn’t have no phone because I was at the hospital asking to use their phone; it was awful. They ended up putting me out and making me leave the hospital. I couldn’t help but to be upset, and one woman told me my hygiene was off. My grandmother and uncles both told me that I never smelled too bad. I wasn’t taking showers every day, and I used to walk around everywhere alone by myself and be outside late at night; it was bad. I didn’t like my aunt’s house. I didn’t like her bf; he didn’t like me. I felt stressed out the first time I stayed there. I was stressed out; people were getting me sick. I was fighting and arguing with people; it was so bad. I pray that my body heals from Covid. I know I’m cured and I don’t have it anymore, but ever since I had it, I haven’t been right or been the same. I felt like I would have never gotten sick if my mother would have just said she had Covid and had me lay down inside of the living room. I felt like her and her bf were both evil people, and I couldn’t stand them. I hated her bf; he used to always try to make me feel bad for not working or helping my mother or dressing up. He called me weird, and I could tell he didn’t like me. I pray that I heal and get back to myself. I was always intelligent and used to always stay focused and knew how to carry myself. Now it’s like I would let people get upset me and get the best of me. I wasn’t working. I was out of work for years. I haven’t been the same ever since, even after I graduated high school. I haven’t been myself. I got laid off. I hated myself. I hated going to another town to go to school. I knew nothing of that town and wanted to love myself more. I hated waking up every morning going to school, being surrounded by some of them people. I just pray for my health to get better. I pray for my stomach to go down and be flat again and for me to lose weight. I pray for a healthier way of eating. I pray that I workout more. I pray that I read more and stay focused. I pray for strength and protection. I pray for a new home. I pray for a new car. I pray for a new job.