Prayer Warrior
I pray for great health I pray for protection from the man upstairs for years this man has been sending me spiritual attacks which we’re turning physical I could feel him listening To the nerves that’s in my thighs and in my legs he would try to throw things near me like he’s dropping Things right on top of my body felt as if it was on fire I kept getting up when he would drop things and I felt that he would stop but he kept dropping things from upstairs above me I felt him stopping whatever he was doing when I would be talking towards my mother he would stop what he’s doing and he would try to move things near me I felt Him doing things to my body he was doing things above me my body doesn’t feel the same I feel weak and tired because of this man a chiropractor doctor told me I had lost the curve in my neck because of this guy I feel as if he doesn’t want me to walk or talk or be happy he wants to damage me and ruin me This entire building is haunted and it’s strange towards me I feel weird things with the elevator I used to feel as if someone was following me whenever I would have my back turned I felt like this guy knew I was thinking of something with him Wanda the manager of the building told me to not bother him or go upstairs to his apartment he had went back to her and said I went to his apartment he wouldn’t open up the door for me and asked me what I had wanted he was dropping things on purpose I feel like he was listening To me when I was in the room alone and I started to move things when my brother was moving slow inside of the refrigerator and he said that I was crazy because I would crumble up bags of chips he had got upset with me I walked past him and he had called me crazy the guy next door seemed To had been attacking me as well I felt like I wasn’t myself around him I didn’t like the man next door either I feel as if I’m surrounding by enemies and I don’t like it I hate it and I want to move out of this building into a better house I felt like a older man tried To speak with me he had said he wasn’t intimate with a woman ever since he had gotten out of jail I felt as if he was lost he was acting strange and I stayed inside of the apartment I should of walked away from him and Left he ended up telling me I had to leave we was at his sister house and she slammed the door when I was there then she asked me to open the Door when she had saw me I felt as if she had something against me she Didn’t like me after I was talking to her brother her opinion of me changed then I was talking to an older guy from another town it was bad I felt like he tried to make me do something with him he had bought me food and tried to talk with me but that’s all he wanted some people would use you for being beautiful only to get what they want hoping you would allow them to I felt as if the guy was mad with me because I said I wanted to go towards the hospital and how sick I felt he might Of thought that something was not Ok with me I could tell how he was acting when I went to open up the door I felt as if something was not right with him I felt like he was upset with me he didn’t even stop and wait for me to leave he had turned around and went back inside Of The building and when I went to sit down he started moving weird even when I was sitting down On the train something With my back felt off then he was crossing the street weird back and forth he was helping fix things on the street he was a weird dude and he was washing laundry and left me upstairs alone then started to act crazy when I woke up in the morning I ended up going home he stopped me I went with him no thinking of my safety he had me walking everywhere with him through train stations late at night it was awful I would never do that again he was tripping he was all over the place even another older man I was walking with he was sitting down in strange places he had me sitting down by a school I grew up near this school he was sitting down a lot then he started talking a Lot of spirituality and he works in nyc I didn’t like him and felt as if something was off with him he had broke the building door he punched a hole in It I saw a homeless man or a hospital patient with a hospital psych gown on come inside The building and start busting up the fire hydrants inside of the building it was awful I felt afraid I felt as if he was going to attack me inside of my home it felt awful but he didn’t come to my house they said he Walked inside of one of my neighbors apartment I feel as if my mother is a very strange woman she let her bf stay with us she had moved him inside of the apartment without saying anything that was all wrong then my cousin was watching my hands I couldn’t sleep I was up walking back and forth I felt as if something was wrong with the neighbors upstairs from her I felt like they were listening Towards me it was awful I didn’t like them and he would watch me he would roll his eyes at me and he said he saw me sitting on the porch a lot I can’t be inside no room all day so that bothered me that my aunt would be mad that I was making noise inside of the room I felt like she would watch me when I would be asleep her and her bf and every morning they would be up moving around and he called me crazy I could feel him getting up they would be up moving around walking and I would keep myself locked inside of the room they didn’t want me to come out I felt like they were aggravated whenever I would walk outside of the room my aunt would sit and stare at the tv and fix her shoes but I felt like she was uncomfortable with me staying there and sometimes she would say that I couldn’t stay there and they didn’t want to open up the door for me I didn’t like that it was awful I tried to get a job at a Jewish market I was working with Arabs I was all over the place it was awful one of the bosses told me that I was rushing when I was working with the customers and that he wanted me to take my time but I didn’t like the customers or the people who would shop there I didn’t like the supervisor I felt like she was jealous of me because her friend would speak With me she would talk bad to the customers one of the black girls wouldn’t speak or even look at me but she would speak with the other girls it was sickening I felt like she was jealous that I was working well and that I didn’t need her help I tried to ask her for help and she would ignore me one of the other woman that worked there would flirt with people when they came to her register it was awful I was not myself working for this company they would pay me from however they felt I made like 300 dollars a week close to 400 hundred sometimes it was awful they didn’t have a break room and we had to go to another store McDonald’s to sit and eat I felt worried uncomfortable I didn’t like that the bathrooms were always not cleaned it was nasty someone had a disease that worked there and their food always go bad I didn’t like working there at all very bad place to work and not so bad to shop but it was awful I Pray that I can forgive myself for being hurt and worried of the manager not liking me and not wanting To rehire me I never disrespected her or did anything towards her for her to have anything against me she was acting strange I tried to reapply for them when I really had needed a Job and really had wanted to work and she didn’t want to hire me she said we left on bad terms she tried to correct me because I quit when I had left then she told me that well she repeated what I had said to one of Her supervisors and she had said we left on bad Terms and that she wasn’t going to re hire me she did try to help me she worked with me I had serious mental issues with everything I was always angry and upset I hated working there I was sad every morning that’s not the place where I would want to work their fruit was okay I just pray for my health to be better so I can protect myself from bad folks people who try to one up me I was anxious walking around everywhere trying to be a Muslim that triggered me and bothered me I would sit and try to read at the masjid but I felt as if I wasn’t happy or I felt dreaded as if I didn’t want to sit and read the Quran the entire time and you barely see any other races inside of the masjid you see a bunch of Arabs and that’s it I’m African American so that made me question some things of myself that triggered me Everyone is nice though for the most part but I felt Jesus is the way the truth I felt connected more towards him it just made sense I pray that he heals me and my body and doesn’t allow the guy upstairs to destroy me I feel like he’s trying to control my body for years he’s been coming near me soon as I sit down and get comfortable he would come by me and start dropping things near me he’s not a man of God I strongly don’t feel that way he doesn’t care of me he wants bad things to happen towards me he wants me to be uncomfortable with my body he wants me to fear him when I was walking he was slowing down I felt like he tried to project fear into me and tried to make me feel like I needed to be afraid of him he would stand at the bus stop trying To speak with people when I saw him when he had came to vote his eyes was going everywhere he was pretending to be on the phone or something and he was asking questions all late I pray that my nerves heal so I can be at peace and not stress or worry of people I was arguing with a bunch of folks arguing with people about a lot of things I was very negative talking about people a lot that’s never been me it was sickening I was arguing with some female who worked with me I felt like she was taking her job too serious and she had said I was bugging I felt like I was talking fast a lot of people thought I had lost my mind I felt as if my Mother was mad with me too I was saying negative things of her and she wasn’t feeling me even my cousin wasn’t feeling me I was saying bad stuff of her when I was over her house I felt terrible I was walking past places not feeling as Myself not taking care of myself properly not getting dressed up people was watching me and being mean towards me I pray for healing and for better days I pray that I get back to my normal height and my Normal size again I pray for my shoe size to go back to normal my feet had sized up my face had gotten fatter I pray that I heal and start to look feminine like myself again I pray that I start to take care of myself again I pray for a husband I pray to stop walking around so much and to heal and become a better woman some woman are just terrible I was stressed out worried of my legs my body my hair my scalp my arms how I touch things who around me how I’m behaving and looking talking to other people not focusing on myself it was awful I pray to heal and to get back to myself I wasn’t myself I was arguing with people a lot That’s not like me I pray for a new job I pray for a new car I pray for a new home I pray for a new iPhone I pray for a better relationship with God and that I start to be honest with myself and do the right thing I don’t be liking folks at all and Be wanting to heal I was traveling so far before to find a job then getting upset if people wouldn’t respond people was being nice towards me though some man told me to be safe I was so far away from home asking him for directions and he didn’t even know where he was at it was awful I was on an app trying to find a job and they had job listings that were far away it was hard for me to find a job I was desperate to work anywhere I wanted to move and change myself I hated where I was from and Where I Lived it was so bad I pray for brighter days I pray that my mind heals and that I stop roaming The streets alone and catch the bus where it’s cheaper or safer instead of walking So far I pray for strength and for healing I pray for a new home I sleep inside Of my brothers old bedroom and I hate it I would love to have my own bed and just feel happy and be at peace I don’t feel like my step grandmother Likes me she wouldn’t want me To ride in her truck with her she didn’t even want me to listen to her phone conversation she was very negative I didn’t do nothing towards her I felt she was avoiding me and she was talking bad about me to my uncle saying things of my mental health my uncle too I thought that he didn’t like her but he started talking bad about my situation towards her of me using the bathroom on myself I wasn’t using the bathroom because I felt as if the guy upstairs was doing something with the toilet and I felt like he did something when I had went to turn on the lights I confronted him about it and he went and started talking about me to one of his peoples and he was just watching me and staring at me I felt out of place and not like myself I ate a lot of food when I stayed over my uncles place I tried to find a job but I felt as if my uncle didn’t want me to work he took a while to send me an Uber I felt like it was bad things going on he was throwing me off and rubbing me the wrong way he didn’t want me there my grandmother said it and the way he would answer his phone and speak with me I could tell he didn’t want me to stay there I asked him if I could stay over his house I never was that close to him to begin with and he said I could stay over and I made him think of me in a different light I was catching buses everywhere trying to go visit doctors I was not outside or traveling or around family members it’s like my mom drifted me away from them and made me feel bad about myself she would run out of the house she had locked me out she closed the door on me she held onto the door and wouldn’t let me in the house she told me I was crazy and looked like a ghost she was weird acting she had told my brother not to open up the door for me she had gave me fake keys and she talk down on me to people I was with to make them think of me in a bad way or trying to put some form of negativity on me trying to ruin my confidence and my self esteem I felt stuck trapped she would be made if I would leave the house and go outside something was not right with her she tried to abuse me and ruin my confidence and ruin my self esteem she would watch me all the time when I would be asleep listening to me breathe when I would come inside the house my cousin too would watch me when I would be falling asleep not as much but I would see her staring at me when I have a cup of drink in my hands or be eating she would just watch me and stare at me she was moving her hands she was watching my hands when I had them down she was doing things in her sleep I was walking around the house I felt as if I couldn’t trust her or her mother I felt like I wanted to act normal and to just be up enjoying my life and being able to walk around they was hating on the fact I didn’t want to stay layed up inside the bedroom they was hating that I cleaned up the room they didn’t want me to be the way that I was I didn’t feel like myself I pray for a fresh start and a new beginning and that I can heal from my past I pray for my body to heal I feel unnormal and not human I feel as if something is wrong with me mentally for years I’ve felt this way traveling far to visit doctors for them to be acting shady around me I felt it that’s why I don’t want to travel to certain places anymore or visit certain doctors I felt like the hospital was sick and tired of me and I didn’t like that I felt like something was not right with the nerves inside of my hands I felt sick traumatized my eyes felt crazy I didn’t feel like myself people would talk down on me one Hispanic woman was talking to me like I was crazy she got mad at me for ordering pizza it’s a pizza store that’s all I wanted she got upset with me and smart mouthed me and said that they just serve other foods as well she didn’t have to speak with me that way that’s why I didn’t like the area that I live in I want to move away from this area and move to a better area I know certain people are just not real good people I pray for brighter days I pray for strength and protection I pray for healing I pray for strength and protection so I don’t have to be worried or afraid of my enemies I pray for a new home so I can chill relax and be at peace I pray for my health to be better so that I can walk fast and be able to love and protect myself I don’t live in the best town some of the people who walk around walk around wreckless just staring at people I pray for strength and protection I pray for brighter days I pray to be forgiven from all of my past sins I pray for a new iPhone I pray for a new car I pray for a husband I pray for my stomach to go down and for me to lose weight I pray to become more athletic I pray to get back to my happy self when I wasn’t so worried or stressed out I pray to love myself again I pray for my fingers back neck feet everything to heal I pray to be healed from schizophrenia anxiety and depression I pray to be forgiven from all of my past sins I pray for peace love and happiness I pray for brighter days I pray for healthier teeth I pray for my teeth to grow back I pray to heal from all stomach problems I pray for protection from the guy upstairs he’s making a whole bunch of noise upstairs and he’s doing it on purpose I pray for healing I pray for my father to heal from his mental issues