Prayer Warrior
I pray for great health I pray for my back to be healed from mild scoliosis I pray for my neck to be healed and my nerves I feel like my body isn’t normal or the same anymore I felt a lot of irregular pain when I was standing in my building going down the steps I felt as if something had happened to my body I could barely move even when I was asleep in my brothers bedroom which is now my room I felt like I could barely move my body felt stiff even my toes I wore these tight sneakers and I believe that they made my feet flat I kept wearing them and they was damaging my body I pray for strength and I pray for healing I pray for better days I want God to heal me but I feel worthless like he’s taking his time to heal me and I’m in pain the man upstairs is attacking me I pray for strength and I pray for better days I pray that things get better for me I pray to heal from past friendships and past relationships I pray for protection from my enemies I was walking today downtown and some man was walking behind me he was staring at me when I was walking and I got in the street because he was behind me and then when I was crossing to get back on the sidewalk he was looking at me even when I was walking by my house some guy was walking behind me and he was with a woman and I felt them moving weird behind me I pray for protection that made me feel as if I couldn’t walk how I wanted to and that folks would intimidate me if I walk a certain way I pray for protection and for healing I pray for a new home I feel as if the people who live across the hall like the guy was sending me spiritual attacks through the walls I was laying down in the bed and I was typing on my phone and then I just felt somebody walk really fast as if they could sense me on my phone so for a while I felt as if they were listening to me when I open up the door and when I stand by the elevator I felt as if it was the dad who was sending me spiritual attacks ever since I first moved inside of the building he used to rub me the wrong way I felt like something was wrong with him and his wife or his girlfriend used to watch me and stare at me I pray for better days and that I’m able to love myself and take better care of myself my hygiene is very bad I smell when I urinate and I never used to smell and my bladder is very bad I feel as if I can’t control when I have to use the bathroom I was using the bathroom on myself when I was staying over my aunts house I felt like she didn’t want me To stay over her place her or my uncle it was bad I pray that my uncle can forgive me I feel he thinks I’m not a good woman he told me about my hygiene he said he couldn’t deal with me not taking care of myself I was a mess I was dropping things food all over the house it was bad I pray for healing and that I get back to myself I stayed with my uncle because I felt as if I would heal and be better because staying here at my house I felt depressed I got laid off from my job a couple of years ago and I don’t think I been the same person since I wasn’t showing up to work everyday on time I had to catch the bus I felt unmotivated I hated my life I wanted better for myself I was hanging out with just anybody it was awful fake friendships well toxic friendships going down the drain friends who was secretly competing with me and sneak texting my ex bf when I stopped dating him a friend I was friends with for most of my childhood started liking a guy I was dating it was bad I pray for my healing to begin I feel hurt Still and years have gone by I feel like she don’t care she only care about her child and her family she had an apartment with her friend well a friend of both of ours we met her around the same time and I felt like she liked her more than she liked me and she allowed her to stay over her place then her sister liked one of her friends better than she liked me she used to always say the pretty one and one of her friends used to always get smart with me she tried to humiliate me a couple of times me and her did not get along I had trouble with being around them I pray for healing I pray for strength I pray for protection I pray to lose weight I gained a max of weight and it’s not good for me I can’t even walk fast I’m overweight that’s what the doctor told me she told me to exercise I pray for my health to get better I gained weight soon as I checked myself into a mental hospital it’s all different kinds of people inside that place I never want to go back there I pray that I never have to I kept checking myself into the hospital because I felt like I didn’t have no where else to go my home didn’t feel like a home barely had food to eat I didn’t have any money I was in the house with a lot of toxic people this building has rubbed me the wrong way for years I’ve had issues with the maintenance man walking inside of my house because my mother told him that I wasn’t home when I was inside the apartment she’s not good something is not right she moved her bf inside the house without telling me and I had to sleep on the floor and he would walk past me she slept with him inside her room that’s where I would be when she be over his apartment he didn’t like me that did something to my mind and my spirit it bothered me so bad that he didn’t like me I could tell that he didn’t like me and I wanted him to talk to me and forgive me he said he did but I don’t believe he did and that made me feel so bad I was nervous and I felt like I couldn’t like myself I didn’t feel Like myself I felt like he knew I wasn’t right or he knew he wasn’t going to forgive me he died he was dying inside my house I wanted him to die because I felt as if he treated me badly I felt like he had issues he would talk down on me to my mother every chance he got he made me uncomfortable and I just didn’t like him I pray for better days I pray that I’m able to love myself and able to take care of myself that man is sick he traumatized me him and my mother she would watch me close the door I think he told her that I was slamming the door they was watching everything it was stressing me out she told me that she was going to put me inside of a nursing home she always ask me if I am going outside to take a walk but I feel like she’s saying that to throw me off and down me and make me feel less of myself I feel as if she has issues I don’t want to live with her anymore she gave me fake keys when I was inside of a mental hospital I had came home then she had told me that I’m starting to look like myself but I never was ugly she tried to make me think Less of myself when I was asleep she would watch my neck when I would be asleep she would just stare at me a lot she would text me threatening to take me off of her phone bill if I didn’t respond to her right away I was shopping at the mall and I told her that I was going shopping and she almost took me off her bill and then she would try to stay with me inside of therapy sessions when I wanted to speak with the woman myself she wouldn’t allow me to she would sit right there she had got mad with me and stormed off then I had went inside of chipotle to get food I asked her if she wanted anything she told me no then when I got inside the car she was mad asking where her food was when she had told me no something was not right with her she was the one trying to allow me to stay with a mental program six days out of the week or something like that spending majority of my days there doing things for mental health I felt like I didn’t want to do that and she was trying to speak with the professionalist trying to make me stay with the program so that they could help me with housing assistance she called the hospital on me and told them I wasn’t taking my medication she said I wasn’t taking showers and that I was using the bathroom on myself So people at the hospital started talking bad about me I knew that they were speaking bad about me and she told me some security guard officer said my feet was dirty when I had went downtown to her job to apply for welfare for assistance for homeless people my mother had put me out she didn’t want me in her house she was very mean towards me had me outside in the freezing cold when it was snowing she said that something was wrong with me because I had my coat zipped down just the front she didn’t care that I went to her job to ask for keys she wouldn’t let me inside her house something was not right with her I pray for my own house so I don’t have to fear taking showers inside of other peoples homes I pray for my own bedroom my own shower and bathtub my own kitchen my own sink I just pray for things to be better for me I pray to move inside of a nice neighborhood and for things to get better for me I don’t want to live in the building that I live it’s a lot of negativity some thick Hispanic woman was walking behind me I felt like she was moving weird when she was coming inside of the building I’m not sure if that’s her gf that she be with but something of her is not right I could feel it I pray for better days I pray for strength and protection I pray to heal from whatever I’m going through I’ve been stressed out for years now traveling going to different towns not knowing much being angry I pray to let go of anger and allow myself to be happy I pray for a husband and a family one day I pray for healing from an abusive relationship with my mother my father had mental issues he was hospitalized because something happened to him when I was younger I pray he heals from mental illness and get back to himself I pray that my body heals and that I stop being nervous and afraid of people and allow myself to be courageous be bold and to be happy strange things be happening to my body I feel like ever since I started taking medicine I been having weird side effects and I don’t like that my lips and face were twitching I was stressed out I’ve gotten taller my feet have gotten bigger my stomach isn’t as flat as I would like I’m not as slim as I would like to be I would like to be healthy and fit and healthy spiritually mentally and physically I pray for my mind to heal and for my body to go back to normal my arms are big and so are my legs I want them to go down I pray for my health to get better I pray to heal from flat feet I pray to heal from the tear in my back I pray to heal from mild scoliosis I pray to heal from mental illness I was diagnosed with schizophrenia I felt as if something was wrong with me I just want better for myself I don’t want to be down anymore I want to be healthy mentally spiritually and physically I don’t want to keep traveling to parks alone with barely having any money I pray for things to get better for me I pray for brighter days I pray to heal from all the pain that my mother had caused me calling me names not wanting me to talk not wanting me to make decisions for myself not wanting me to have my own trying to take from me barely wanting me inside of her house when it was the holidays forcing me to go to work I hated working I hated working at the warehouse I was working inside of a freezer and I couldn’t stand it I pray I get the job at Whole Foods I pray for my health to get better so that I can work and make sure people are healthy and happy I pray for brighter days I pray for my skin to heal I pray for the nerves in my body to heal I pray to stop wishing bad things on myself and other people I pray for a new car I pray for a new home I pray for a new iPhone I pray for a new bike I pray for strength and protection I pray for healing I pray that I can learn to love myself again and heal and stop treating myself so badly and being anxious of whatever I had said and learn to forgive myself for even saying a bad thing about someone and to know that I’m only human and to cherish life and not take it for granted I pray for brighter days I pray to heal I pray to sign up for a gym I pray for my teeth to grow back to the ones that came Out I pray for my head to heal I feel as if something is wrong with my body my head feels crazy it don’t seem normal I felt uncomfortable around my mother for a long time she was rushing when she was driving while I was inside the car with her she dropped me off at the doctors office and didn’t want to pick me back up and told me that I had to get on the bus she started telling the doctor that I was sick and that I wasn’t taking care of myself I wasn’t sick I had my hair in a ponytail I felt like she didn’t like that I pray that I start taking better care of myself and that my skin starts to heal and glow I pray for protection from my enemies I pray to slow down on my diet and to not eat so much whenever I feel hungry I just pray That I start to eat healthier foods I pray for a new home