Healing on colds congestion, drain all fluids and help to be prepared with the right answers to these questions on important test that I pass quickly and viciously Lord and also lift ###'s church on the shooting that took place there and a small child is hanging on to life, be with all those involved and comfort them, let the churches grow stronger through all of this Lord IJN and might Blood You have us all covered. And release of our finances asap to purchase the best autos you have for us bring strength and clear mind when needed and good rest soon. Praises for your Miracles Amen
Prayer to Padre Pio to Ask for and Experience a Miracle
Padre Pio Miracle Prayer – Say this prayer to St Padre Pio, and ask the Lord for blessings, healings and miracles. Padre Pio is famous for bringing many miracles during his life on earth with the intervention of the Holy Spirit. How to Pray and Ask Padre Pio for a Miracle –
Say this miraculous prayer to Padre Pio with a pure heart and sincere repentance to ask for the blessing of a miracle through Padre Pio’s intercession.
Prayer to ask for a Miracle (The Miracle Prayer to St Padre Pio)
Padre Pio, the Almighty Lord has made you a living witness of Christ crucified, and has marked your body with the wounds of the crucifixion of His Son. In His mercy, he has blessed you generously with gifts of the Spirit, and has granted you the privilege of performing wonders and miracles. Glorious Padre Pio, for my faults I am unworthy to appear before the Divine Majesty to ask for a miraculous response to my urgent petition. Thus in humility I raise this prayer to you to ask for your intercession on my behalf.
Dearest Padre Pio, faithful servant of God, you are well acquainted with the sad conditions of human existence – have mercy on me. Come to my aid. I know that your heart is moved seeing me overcome with pain and desperation. And so, Padre Pio, I implore you to receive this prayer that I may have the blessing of a miracle for
(express your request with great faith and confidence).
O Padre Pio, hope of those in need, look upon me with compassion and help me. Just one word from you is enough for our omnipotent God to have compassion on me and grant my request. Give me a charitable heart, teach me selflessness, and help me to do good works with no thought for earthly compensation. Padre Pio, a Saint among men, erase this sadness from my heart, surround me with your light, and make my prayers worthy to merit His lasting blessings.
Beloved Padre Pio, in prayer and with great trust, I put my life in your hands, because I know with certainty that you will intercede with the Most High God for the blessing that I need. I know that you will be at my side to help me accept His will.
