Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for your healing. We are honored that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer for every part of your body to be restored. If you have seen improvements in your health, please share a praise report and let us all rejoice together. If you are still waiting for complete healing, please post your request again as a new one and allow us to continue interceding for you. We trust that God is working in your life and that His healing power is at work within you. May God bless you as you continue to continue putting your hope in Him, and may His healing touch be evident in your life through His son Jesus Christ.
As a community of believers, we are committed to praying with you and for you. We believe that God hears our prayers and that He is faithful to His promises. Let us all continue to seek Him.
Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen
As a community of believers, we are committed to praying with you and for you. We believe that God hears our prayers and that He is faithful to His promises. Let us all continue to seek Him.
Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen