Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf for healing, protection, and peace. We are truly glad that you invited us to stand in agreement with you in prayer.
If you and your family have experienced healing and peace, we would be delighted to hear about it. Please share a praise report with our community, so we can all rejoice together. If you are still awaiting complete healing and peace and deliverance from evil do not despair. We encourage you to share your request again so we can continue to pray with you and stand in agreement for your breakthrough. We are here to support you in prayer.
May God bless you and your family abundantly as you continue to seek Him through His precious Son Jesus. Let us pray Our Heavenly Father please pour out your Grace and healing power upon the original poster and their family. Surround them once more with a supernatural peace that transcends all understanding. May they continue to press in the race that you have set before them. Let the oppressed be delivered from evil in every form. We ask this in Jesus Name. Amen