Servant of All
Shalom Chaverim! I want to take this time in order to say how much truly appreciate all of what you all have done for me since I created this account.
I was really in need of prayer and support to my struggles with Ha-Satan's snare. Your continued prayers have sustained me during this time for which I am very grateful. May Ha-Adonai Yeshua Moshiach bless and keep you today, this week, and always.
Blessings in the Real Messiah,
[SIZE=13.5pt] [/SIZE]Shalom. For many years now I have been battling a snare from Ha-Satan. Recently the Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart that if I continue with the snare that I will face a great consequence which is why I now believe that the snare is done in my life. I am concerned and worried about relapsing into the snare but I don’t think I will give in. The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart that I am about to suffer the consequences of years of giving in to the snare. When I first signed up for Prayer Request and ask you all to pray for me the Lord Jesus Christ answered your prayers by giving me the strength and the will to stay away from the snare of the devil. Toda raba for all of you that have supported me during this time. I ask that you continue to intercede for more me a little longer as I get further and further away from the last day I gave into the snare. Please use Colossians 1:9-15 and Numbers 6:24-26 when interceding for me. Toda raba again for your support Chaverim! Blessings in the Real Messiah, MitDavidDv