Servant of All
Father, Son and Holy Ghost May this Servant not regret having had enough self esteem to leave an awful place and may she heal from the damage it caused, meeting lovely people in her new workplace and neighborhood who see great worth in her. May the landlord bear with her, May she not have any need for insurance and medical assistance which she cannot afford - please keep such calamities very far from her. Please provide a great place for her to stay if she must move, someone nice not minding having her around in exchange for chores, for example. May she soon have a job that pays far more than the last one did, where she is happy and safe as well as wanted. May she have the joy of affording holidays, shopping and helping others with their expenses if they need it! Bless the many who will go out of their way to help her and bear with her. You are the Light, now please show up in her life so that darkness is conquered. Thank-you. Praise the Lord!