Prayer Warrior
I have my Good KARMA I don't even focus on the past. The men from my PAST that chose Superstar's Models and other women even men over me have broken my heart and the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY heart in me it's been years. Now since I have been alone with No needs Met Properly Specifically in a Vehicle Car a Home My Cats Fixed And A Man still I get a Nice job NOTARY PUBLIC FIGURE Official my family friends pets well and visiting each other holidays I ask that everyone everything in my Lifetime Tunnels power gets out already that doesn't have my best interests in there own heart for me in my lifetime. Rebuke Satan and crew PROPERLY out of my Tunnels power forever Loosen Verse Jer 50 23 Let the HAMMER 
break the WICKED into piece's Specifically in my tunnels. I get my Make over done
properly I get the Wrinkles taken care of on my face neck chest my Confidence URGENTLY back restored Properly so I want to take PICTURES and go online and be happy. I get Hair Extensions for my hair as well some on Amazon tape in. I get a Facelift no more double chin. I get my body in health healing back so I get my Grace is Sufficient for me to be looking Greatly forward in my lifetime. I get new tattoos to cover the scars from boils on my right hand on both legs healing properly. I get my bucket list done properly so I can at least get some positive results vibes attitude towards myself. I get to have Family Holidays Healed with my Family friends pets HARMONY in my Lifetime period permanently forever God's will with the blood of Jesus Gods will forever Loosen Verse DEUT 28 6 BLESSED ONLY. Now since I was blocked hindered stopped bullied when I upgrade I know the Lord God Almighty would want the Proper RIPPLE AFFECT HAPPEN naturally forever Specifically in those that need it in the World
God's will forever with the blood of Jesus Gods will