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^ Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread {#462 #_getterCache: array:4 [ "TypeHandler" => EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Discussion {#300 #type: "discussion" } "title" => "God's Honor, Our Needs & His Kingdom, Power & Glory (Matt 6:9-13)" "username" => "Intercessor" "custom_fields" => XF\CustomField\Set {#530 #entity: Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread {#462} #definitionSet: XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet {#535 #filters: array:4 [ "group" => Closure(array $field, $group) {#534 …2} "only" => Closure(array $field, $onlyFields) {#533 …2} "editable" => Closure(array $field, Set $set, $editMode) {#532 …2} "value" => Closure(array $field, Set $set) {#531 …2} ] #fieldDefinitions: [] } #cacheField: "custom_fields" #fieldsSet: [] } ] #_valueCache: array:4 [ "featured" => false "discussion_open" => true "tags" => array:10 [ 66 => array:2 [ "tag" => "country: united states" "tag_url" => "country-united-states" ] 669 => array:2 [ "tag" => "daily bread" "tag_url" => "daily-bread" ] 310 => array:2 [ "tag" => "debts" "tag_url" => "debts" ] 441 => array:2 [ "tag" => "earth" "tag_url" => "earth" ] 81 => array:2 [ "tag" => "father" "tag_url" => "father" ] 82 => array:2 [ "tag" => "heaven" "tag_url" => "heaven" ] 668 => array:2 [ "tag" => "kingdom" "tag_url" => "kingdom" ] 107073 => array:2 [ "tag" => "name" "tag_url" => "name" ] 272 => array:2 [ "tag" => "way" "tag_url" => "way" ] 107259 => array:2 [ "tag" => "will" "tag_url" => "will" ] ] "custom_fields" => [] ] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#293 +shortName: "XF:Thread" +contentType: "thread" +table: "xf_thread" +primaryKey: "thread_id" +columns: array:27 [ "thread_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "autoIncrement" => true "nullable" => true ] "node_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "required" => true "api" => true ] "title" => array:5 [ "type" => 5 "maxLength" => 150 "required" => "please_enter_valid_title" "censor" => true "api" => true ] "reply_count" => array:4 [ "type" => 2 "forced" => true "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "view_count" => array:4 [ "type" => 2 "forced" => true "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "user_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "required" => true "api" => true ] "username" => array:4 [ "type" => 5 "maxLength" => 50 "required" => true "api" => true ] "post_date" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "sticky" => array:3 [ "type" => 65540 "default" => false "api" => true ] "discussion_state" => array:4 [ "type" => 5 "default" => "visible" "allowedValues" => array:3 [ 0 => "visible" 1 => "moderated" 2 => "deleted" ] "api" => true ] "discussion_open" => array:3 [ "type" => 65540 "default" => true "api" => true ] "discussion_type" => array:4 [ "type" => 5 "maxLength" => 50 "default" => "" "api" => true ] "type_data" => array:2 [ "type" => 65552 "default" => [] ] "index_state" => array:3 [ "type" => 5 "default" => "default" "allowedValues" => array:3 [ 0 => "default" 1 => "indexed" 2 => "not_indexed" ] ] "first_post_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "last_post_date" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "last_post_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "last_post_user_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "last_post_username" => array:4 [ "type" => 5 "maxLength" => 50 "default" => "" "api" => true ] "first_post_reaction_score" => array:3 [ "type" => 1 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "first_post_reactions" => array:3 [ "type" => 65552 "default" => [] "nullable" => true ] "prefix_id" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "default" => 0 "api" => true ] "custom_fields" => array:2 [ "type" => 65552 "default" => [] ] "tags" => array:2 [ "type" => 65552 "default" => [] ] "vote_score" => array:2 [ "type" => 1 "default" => 0 ] "vote_count" => array:3 [ "type" => 2 "forced" => true "default" => 0 ] "featured" => array:2 [ "type" => 65540 "default" => false ] ] +relations: array:24 [ "Forum" => array:6 [ "entity" => "XF:Forum" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "node_id" "primary" => true "with" => "Node" "api" => true ] "User" => array:5 [ "entity" => "XF:User" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "user_id" "primary" => true "api" => true ] "FirstPost" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:Post" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] ] "primary" => true ] "LastPost" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:Post" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] ] "primary" => true ] "LastPoster" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:User" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] ] "primary" => true ] "Prefix" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadPrefix" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "prefix_id" "primary" => true ] "Read" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadRead" "type" => 2 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "user_id" ] "Watch" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadWatch" "type" => 2 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "user_id" ] "UserPosts" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadUserPost" "type" => 2 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "user_id" ] "DeletionLog" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:DeletionLog" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] "primary" => true ] "DraftReplies" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:Draft" "type" => 2 "conditions" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ …4] ] "key" => "user_id" ] "ApprovalQueue" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ApprovalQueue" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] "primary" => true ] "Redirect" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadRedirect" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "thread_id" "primary" => true ] "ReplyBans" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadReplyBan" "type" => 2 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "user_id" ] "Poll" => array:3 [ "entity" => "XF:Poll" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] ] "CustomFields" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadFieldValue" "type" => 2 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "field_id" ] "Question" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:ThreadQuestion" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "thread_id" "primary" => true ] "Tags" => array:4 [ "entity" => "XF:TagContent" "type" => 2 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] "key" => "tag_id" ] "ContentVotes" => array:5 [ "entity" => "XF:ContentVote" "type" => 2 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] "key" => "vote_user_id" "order" => "vote_date" ] "Feature" => array:3 [ "entity" => "XF:FeaturedContent" "type" => 1 "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] ] "PortaArticle" => array:4 [ "entity" => "EWR\Porta:Article" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "article_id" ] "PortaFeature" => array:4 [ "entity" => "EWR\Porta:Feature" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "thread_id" "key" => "feature_id" ] "XFES_SimilarThreads" => array:5 [ "entity" => "XFES:ThreadSimilar" "type" => 1 "conditions" => "thread_id" "primary" => true "cascadeDelete" => true ] "TAPContentData" => array:3 [ "type" => 1 "entity" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting:ContentData" "conditions" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] ] ] +getters: array:10 [ "draft_reply" => true "post_ids" => true "last_post_cache" => true "custom_fields" => true "cover_image" => true "TypeHandler" => array:3 [ "cache" => true "getter" => "getTypeHandler" "invalidate" => array:2 [ 0 => "discussion_type" 1 => "node_id" ] ] "type_data" => array:3 [ "cache" => true "getter" => "getTypeData" "invalidate" => array:2 [ 0 => "discussion_type" 1 => "node_id" ] ] "vote_score_short" => false "username" => array:3 [ "cache" => true "getter" => true "tapOriginUsernameGetter" => null ] "last_post_username" => array:3 [ "cache" => true "getter" => true "tapOriginUsernameGetter" => null ] ] +defaultWith: array:1 [ 0 => "TAPContentData" ] +options: array:3 [ "log_moderator" => true "tapEnabledAnonymousRecord" => false "tapContext" => null ] +behaviors: array:10 [ "XF:ContentVotable" => array:1 [ "stateField" => "discussion_state" ] "XF:ContentVotableContainer" => array:3 [ "childContentType" => "post" "childIds" => Closure($thread) {#294 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } "stateField" => "discussion_state" ] "XF:Taggable" => array:1 [ "stateField" => "discussion_state" ] "XF:Indexable" => array:2 [ "checkForUpdates" => array:7 [ 0 => "title" 1 => "node_id" 2 => "user_id" 3 => "prefix_id" 4 => "tags" 5 => "discussion_state" 6 => "first_post_id" ] "enqueueIndexNow" => true ] "XF:IndexableContainer" => array:3 [ "childContentType" => "post" "childIds" => Closure($thread) {#295 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } "checkForUpdates" => array:3 [ 0 => "node_id" 1 => "discussion_state" 2 => "prefix_id" ] ] "XF:NewsFeedPublishable" => array:2 [ "usernameField" => "username" "dateField" => "post_date" ] "XF:Featurable" => array:1 [ "stateField" => "discussion_state" ] "XF:CustomFieldsHolder" => array:3 [ "valueTable" => "xf_thread_field_value" "checkForUpdates" => array:1 [ 0 => "node_id" ] "getAllowedFields" => Closure($thread) {#296 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } ] "XF:Webhook" => [] "XF\Behavior\ActivityLoggable" => [] ] +columnAliases: array:1 [ "first_post_likes" => "first_post_reaction_score" ] +withAliases: array:3 [ "full" => array:4 [ 0 => "User" 1 => "LastPoster" 2 => Closure() {#297 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } 3 => "TAPContentData" ] "fullForum" => array:2 [ 0 => "full" 1 => Closure() {#298 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } ] "api" => array:3 [ 0 => "Forum.api" 1 => "User.api" 2 => Closure() {#299 class: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" } ] ] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246 #db: XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter {#228 #statementClass: "XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement" #config: array:6 [ "host" => "d31" "port" => 3306 "socket" => null "username" => "xfuser" "password" => "xfp1p3" "dbname" => "xfpr" ] #fullUnicode: true #inTransaction: false #savePointCounter: 0 #savePoints: [] #queryCount: 10 #logQueries: false #logSimpleOnly: null #queryLog: [] #ignoreLegacyTableWriteError: false #schemaManager: null #connection: mysqli {#279} } #valueFormatter: XF\Mvc\Entity\ValueFormatter {#249} #extension: XF\Extension {#275 #listeners: array:32 [ "addon_get_install_data" => array:1 [ "_" => array:3 [ …3] ] "addon_post_install" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "addon_post_rebuild" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "app_cli_setup" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "app_pub_start_end" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "app_setup" => array:1 [ "_" => array:4 [ …4] ] "bb_code_renderer" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "controller_post_dispatch" => array:1 [ "XF\Pub\Controller\Conversation" => array:1 [ …1] ] "criteria_page" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "criteria_template_data" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "criteria_user" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "editor_button_data" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "editor_dialog" => array:1 [ "gallery" => array:1 [ …1] ] "entity_structure" => array:6 [ "XF\Entity\ConversationRecipient" => array:1 [ …1] "XF\Entity\Forum" => array:1 [ …1] "XF\Entity\UserOption" => array:1 [ …1] "XFRM\Entity\ResourceItem" => array:1 [ …1] "XF\Entity\User" => array:1 [ …1] "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => array:1 [ …1] ] "import_importer_classes" => array:1 [ "_" => array:3 [ …3] ] "member_stat_result_prepare" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "navigation_setup" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "patch_route_build_callback" => array:1 [ "Pub" => array:1 [ …1] ] "search_source_setup_22" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "spam_asn_providers" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "spam_content_providers" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "spam_geo_ip_providers" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "spam_user_providers" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "templater_global_data" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] "templater_macro_pre_render" => array:1 [ "admin:option_macros:option_form_block" => array:2 [ …2] ] "templater_setup" => array:1 [ "_" => array:3 [ …3] ] "templater_template_pre_render" => array:2 [ "public:editor" => array:2 [ …2] "public:error" => array:1 [ …1] ] "user_content_change_init" => array:1 [ "_" => array:4 [ …4] ] "user_delete_clean_init" => array:1 [ "_" => array:4 [ …4] ] "user_merge_combine" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "user_searcher_orders" => array:1 [ "_" => array:2 [ …2] ] "visitor_setup" => array:1 [ "_" => array:1 [ …1] ] ] #classExtensions: array:110 [ "XF\Repository\SessionActivityRepository" => array:3 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" 1 => "OzzModz\GuestRobots\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" 2 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" ] "XF\Job\UserAction" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Job\UserAction" ] "XF\Service\User\LoginService" => array:2 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\LoginPatch" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\Login" ] "XF\Spam\Checker\PreRegAction" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Spam\Checker\PreRegAction" ] "XF\AddOn\DataManager" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\AddOn\DataManager" ] "XF\AddOn\Manager" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\AddOn\Manager" ] "XF\Template\Templater" => array:2 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\TemplaterXF21Patch" 1 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\ForumController" => array:7 [ 0 => "Andy\NewThreadEmailMember\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" 1 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" 2 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Pub\Controller\ForumController" 3 => "XFES\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" 4 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" 5 => "EWR\Porta\Pub\Controller\Forum" 6 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" ] "XF\Finder\ConversationRecipientFinder" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\Finder\ConversationRecipient" ] "XF\Attachment\ConversationMessageHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Attachment\ConversationMessage" ] "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" ] "XF\Entity\Attachment" => array:2 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Entity\Attachment" 1 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\Attachment" ] "XF\Entity\ConversationMaster" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Entity\ConversationMaster" ] "XF\Entity\User" => array:9 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Entity\User" 1 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Entity\User" 2 => "Siropu\Shoutbox\XF\Entity\User" 3 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\User" 4 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" 5 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\User" 6 => "XFRM\XF\Entity\User" 7 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Entity\User" 8 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\ConversationController" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Pub\Controller\Conversation" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\MemberController" => array:2 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Pub\Controller\Member" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Member" ] "XF\Service\Conversation\CreatorService" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Service\Conversation\Creator" ] "XF\Service\Conversation\InviterService" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Service\Conversation\Inviter" ] "XF\Service\Conversation\NotifierService" => array:1 [ 0 => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\Service\Conversation\Notifier" ] "XF\Entity\Post" => array:5 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Post" 1 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Entity\Post" 2 => "XFES\XF\Entity\Post" 3 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\Post" 4 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" ] "XF\Entity\Thread" => array:5 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Thread" 1 => "XFES\XF\Entity\Thread" 2 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\Thread" 3 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\Thread" 4 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\ThreadController" => array:5 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\Pub\Controller\Thread" 1 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" 2 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Pub\Controller\ThreadController" 3 => "XFES\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" 4 => "XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" ] "XF\ThreadType\ArticleHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Article" ] "XF\ThreadType\DiscussionHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Discussion" ] "XF\ThreadType\PollHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Poll" ] "XF\ThreadType\QuestionHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Question" ] "XF\ThreadType\SuggestionHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Suggestion" ] "XF\Job\Cron" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hampel\JobRunner\XF\Job\Cron" ] "XF\Job\Manager" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hampel\JobRunner\XF\Job\Manager" ] "XF\Service\CronEntry\CalculateNextRunService" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hampel\JobRunner\XF\Service\CronEntry\CalculateNextRun" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\ForumController" => array:4 [ 0 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Admin\Controller\Forum" 1 => "XFES\XF\Admin\Controller\Forum" 2 => "XFMG\XF\Admin\Controller\Forum" 3 => "XFRM\XF\Admin\Controller\Forum" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\PermissionController" => array:1 [ 0 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Admin\Controller\Permission" ] "XF\Data\Editor" => array:1 [ 0 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Data\Editor" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\AccountController" => array:3 [ 0 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Pub\Controller\Account" 1 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Pub\Controller\Account" 2 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Account" ] "XF\Service\User\DeleteCleanUpService" => array:2 [ 0 => "LiamW\PostMacros\XF\Service\User\DeleteCleanUp" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\DeleteCleanUp" ] "XFRM\ControllerPlugin\OverviewPlugin" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XFRM\ControllerPlugin\Overview" ] "XFRM\Repository\ResourceItemRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XFRM\Repository\ResourceItem" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\UserController" => array:2 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Admin\Controller\User" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Admin\Controller\User" ] "XF\ChangeLog\UserHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\ChangeLog\User" ] "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" ] "XF\FindNew\ThreadHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\FindNew\Thread" ] "XF\FsMounts" => array:1 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\FsMounts" ] "XF\Repository\ThreadRepository" => array:3 [ 0 => "Snog\Flags\XF\Repository\Thread" 1 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread" 2 => "XFES\XF\Repository\Thread" ] "NF\Tickets\Entity\Ticket" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\NF\Tickets\Entity\Ticket" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\IndexController" => array:2 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Admin\Controller\Index" 1 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Admin\Controller\Index" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\ToolsController" => array:2 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Admin\Controller\Tools" 1 => "Truonglv\ImageOptimizer\XF\Admin\Controller\ToolsController" ] "XF\Finder\ChangeLogFinder" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Finder\ChangeLog" ] "XF\InputFilterer" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\InputFilterer" ] "XF\Mvc\Router" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Mvc\Router" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\PostController" => array:1 [ 0 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Pub\Controller\PostController" ] "XF\Service\Attachment\PreparerService" => array:2 [ 0 => "Truonglv\ImageOptimizer\XF\Service\Attachment\PreparerService" 1 => "XFMG\XF\Service\Attachment\Preparer" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\LoginController" => array:3 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Login" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\LoginPatch" 2 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Login" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\LogoutController" => array:2 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Logout" 1 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Logout" ] "XF\Repository\ConversationRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Conversation" ] "XF\Repository\ForumRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Forum" ] "XF\Repository\IpRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Ip" ] "XF\Repository\UserAlertRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert" ] "XF\Entity\Forum" => array:4 [ 0 => "XFES\XF\Entity\Forum" 1 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\Forum" 2 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\Forum" 3 => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\SearchController" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFES\XF\Pub\Controller\Search" ] "XF\Search\Search" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFES\XF\Search\Search" ] "XF\Attachment\PostHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Attachment\Post" ] "XF\BbCode\ProcessorAction\AnalyzeUsage" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\BbCode\ProcessorAction\AnalyzeUsage" ] "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Entity\AttachmentData" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\GotoPageController" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\GotoPage" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\WatchedController" => array:3 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\Watched" 1 => "XFRM\XF\Pub\Controller\Watched" 2 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Pub\Controller\Watched" ] "XF\Service\Message\PreparerService" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Service\Message\Preparer" ] "XF\Service\User\ContentChangeService" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Service\User\ContentChange" ] "XF\Service\User\SignatureEditService" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Service\User\SignatureEdit" ] "XF\Widget\FeaturedContent" => array:2 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Widget\FeaturedContent" 1 => "XFRM\XF\Widget\FeaturedContent" ] "XF\Widget\TrendingContent" => array:2 [ 0 => "XFMG\XF\Widget\TrendingContent" 1 => "XFRM\XF\Widget\TrendingContent" ] "XF\ForumType\DiscussionHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "XFRM\XF\ForumType\Discussion" ] "XenAddons\RMS\ControllerPlugin\ItemListPlugin" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XenAddons\RMS\ControllerPlugin\ItemList" ] "XenAddons\RMS\Finder\ItemFinder" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XenAddons\RMS\Finder\Item" ] "XF\CssWriter" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\CssWriter" ] "XF\Debugger" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Debugger" ] "XF\Finder\ThreadFinder" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Finder\Thread" ] "XF\Job\ThreadAction" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Job\ThreadAction" ] "XF\Repository\StyleRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Repository\Style" ] "XF\Service\Thread\ApproverService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Service\Thread\Approver" ] "XF\Service\Thread\DeleterService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Service\Thread\Deleter" ] "XF\Service\Thread\MergerService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Service\Thread\Merger" ] "XF\Service\Thread\MoverService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Service\Thread\Mover" ] "XF\Criteria\UserCriteria" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Criteria\User" ] "XF\Entity\UserConnectedAccount" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Entity\UserConnectedAccount" ] "XF\Repository\UserUpgradeRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Repository\UserUpgrade" ] "XF\Service\User\DowngradeService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Service\User\Downgrade" ] "XF\Service\User\UpgradeService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\UserPromoOnUpdate\XF\Service\User\Upgrade" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\LogController" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Admin\Controller\Log" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\LoginController" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Admin\Controller\Login" ] "XF\ApprovalQueue\UserHandler" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\ApprovalQueue\User" ] "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\BbCode\RuleSet" ] "XF\ControllerPlugin\LoginPlugin" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\ControllerPlugin\Login" ] "XF\Entity\Report" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\Report" ] "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\MiscController" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Misc" ] "XF\Pub\Controller\RegisterController" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Register" ] "XF\Repository\ApprovalQueueRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Repository\ApprovalQueue" ] "XF\Repository\ReportRepository" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Repository\Report" ] "XF\Service\User\EmailConfirmationService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\EmailConfirmation" ] "XF\Service\User\MergeService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\Merge" ] "XF\Service\User\PasswordResetService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\PasswordReset" ] "XF\Service\User\RegistrationService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\User\Registration" ] "XF\Spam\Checker\ProjectHoneyPot" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Spam\Checker\ProjectHoneyPot" ] "XF\Spam\Checker\StopForumSpam" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Spam\Checker\StopForumSpam" ] "XF\Spam\ContentChecker" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Spam\ContentChecker" ] "XF\Spam\UserChecker" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Spam\UserChecker" ] "XF\Admin\Controller\TemplateController" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Admin\Controller\Template" ] "XF\CssRenderer" => array:2 [ 0 => "SV\StandardLib\XF\CssRenderer" 1 => "SV\RedisCache\XF\CssRenderer" ] "XF\Service\Thread\CreatorService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\Thread\Creator" ] "XF\Service\Thread\ReplierService" => array:1 [ 0 => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Service\Thread\Replier" ] ] #extensionMap: array:84 [ "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "SV\StandardLib\XF\AddOn\Manager" "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session" "XF\InputFilterer" => "SV\StandardLib\XF\InputFilterer" "XF\Repository\UserRepository" => "XF\Repository\UserRepository" "XF\Entity\User" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth" "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption" "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" "XF\Language" => "XF\Language" "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" "XF\Mvc\Router" => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Mvc\Router" "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilderRepository" => "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilderRepository" "XF\Pub\Controller\ThreadController" => "XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" "XF\Entity\Thread" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" "XF\Finder\ThreadFinder" => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Finder\Thread" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" => "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" "XF\Entity\Forum" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node" "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContentFinder" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContentFinder" "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" "XF\ThreadType\DiscussionHandler" => "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Discussion" "XF\Repository\ThreadRepository" => "XFES\XF\Repository\Thread" "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter" "XF\Repository\PostRepository" => "XF\Repository\PostRepository" "XF\Entity\Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" "XF\Finder\PostFinder" => "XF\Finder\PostFinder" "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" => "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot" "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" => "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" => "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" "XF\Repository\UserAlertRepository" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert" "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" => "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" "XF\ForumType\DiscussionHandler" => "XFRM\XF\ForumType\Discussion" "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" "EWR\Porta\Finder\ArticleFinder" => "EWR\Porta\Finder\ArticleFinder" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" "XFMG\Repository\MediaRepository" => "XFMG\Repository\MediaRepository" "XF\Repository\SessionActivityRepository" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" "XF\Style" => "XF\Style" "XF\Template\Templater" => "SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater" "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget" "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" "XF\IconRenderer" => "XF\IconRenderer" "XF\Repository\IconRepository" => "XF\Repository\IconRepository" "XF\Search\Search" => "XFES\XF\Search\Search" "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" => "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" "XF\SubContainer\Http" => "XF\SubContainer\Http" "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" => "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent" "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" => "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" "XF\Payment\Stripe" => "XF\Payment\Stripe" "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal" "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache" "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\ShoutRepository" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\ShoutRepository" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\ShoutFinder" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\ShoutFinder" "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" => "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" "XF\BbCode\Parser" => "XF\BbCode\Parser" "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\BbCode\RuleSet" "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" => "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" "XF\CustomField\Set" => "XF\CustomField\Set" "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" "XF\EmbedResolver\PostHandler" => "XF\EmbedResolver\PostHandler" "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" => "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" "XF\Finder\UnfurlResultFinder" => "XF\Finder\UnfurlResultFinder" "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" => "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" "XF\Debugger" => "SV\RedisCache\XF\Debugger" ] #inverseExtensionMap: array:84 [ "SV\StandardLib\XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager" "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session" "SV\StandardLib\XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer" "XF\Repository\UserRepository" => "XF\Repository\UserRepository" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" => "XF\Entity\User" "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth" "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile" "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" "XF\Language" => "XF\Language" "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" "SV\StandardLib\XF\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Mvc\Router" "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilderRepository" => "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilderRepository" "XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "XF\Pub\Controller\ThreadController" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" => "XF\Entity\Thread" "SV\RedisCache\XF\Finder\Thread" => "XF\Finder\ThreadFinder" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" => "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" => "XF\Entity\Forum" "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node" "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContentFinder" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContentFinder" "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" "EWR\Porta\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\DiscussionHandler" "XFES\XF\Repository\Thread" => "XF\Repository\ThreadRepository" "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter" "XF\Repository\PostRepository" => "XF\Repository\PostRepository" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post" "XF\Finder\PostFinder" => "XF\Finder\PostFinder" "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" => "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot" "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" => "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" => "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert" => "XF\Repository\UserAlertRepository" "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" => "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" "XFRM\XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\DiscussionHandler" "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" "EWR\Porta\Finder\ArticleFinder" => "EWR\Porta\Finder\ArticleFinder" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" "XFMG\Repository\MediaRepository" => "XFMG\Repository\MediaRepository" "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => "XF\Repository\SessionActivityRepository" "XF\Style" => "XF\Style" "SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater" "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget" "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" "XF\IconRenderer" => "XF\IconRenderer" "XF\Repository\IconRepository" => "XF\Repository\IconRepository" "XFES\XF\Search\Search" => "XF\Search\Search" "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" => "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" "XF\SubContainer\Http" => "XF\SubContainer\Http" "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" => "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent" "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" => "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" "XF\Payment\Stripe" => "XF\Payment\Stripe" "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal" "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache" "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\ShoutRepository" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\ShoutRepository" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\ShoutFinder" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\ShoutFinder" "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" => "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" "XF\BbCode\Parser" => "XF\BbCode\Parser" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" "EAEAddons\ConversationTools\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" => "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" "XF\CustomField\Set" => "XF\CustomField\Set" "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" "XF\EmbedResolver\PostHandler" => "XF\EmbedResolver\PostHandler" "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" => "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" "XF\Finder\UnfurlResultFinder" => "XF\Finder\UnfurlResultFinder" "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" => "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" "SV\RedisCache\XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger" ] #classAliasMap: array:84 [ "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager" "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session" "XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer" "XF\Repository\UserRepository" => "XF\Repository\UserRepository" "XF\Entity\User" => "XF\Entity\User" "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth" "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption" "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile" "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" "XF\Language" => "XF\Language" "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" "XF\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Mvc\Router" "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilder" => "SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilderRepository" "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "XF\Pub\Controller\ThreadController" "XF\Entity\Thread" => "XF\Entity\Thread" "XF\Finder\Thread" => "XF\Finder\ThreadFinder" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" => "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" "XF\Entity\Forum" => "XF\Entity\Forum" "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node" "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContentFinder" "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\NodePlugin" "XF\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\DiscussionHandler" "XF\Repository\ThreadRepository" => "XF\Repository\ThreadRepository" "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\ThreadPlugin" "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter" "XF\Repository\PostRepository" => "XF\Repository\PostRepository" "XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post" "XF\Finder\Post" => "XF\Finder\PostFinder" "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" => "XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository" "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot" "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" => "XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository" "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" => "XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository" "XF\Repository\UserAlertRepository" => "XF\Repository\UserAlertRepository" "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" => "XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository" "XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\DiscussionHandler" "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" "EWR\Porta\Finder\Article" => "EWR\Porta\Finder\ArticleFinder" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Data\Anonymous" "XFMG\Repository\Media" => "XFMG\Repository\MediaRepository" "XF\Repository\SessionActivityRepository" => "XF\Repository\SessionActivityRepository" "XF\Style" => "XF\Style" "XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater" "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget" "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFMG\Template\TemplaterSetup" "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "XFRM\Template\TemplaterSetup" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper" "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" => "SV\StandardLib\TemplaterAccess" "XF\IconRenderer" => "XF\IconRenderer" "XF\Repository\IconRepository" => "XF\Repository\IconRepository" "XF\Search\Search" => "XF\Search\Search" "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" => "XFES\Elasticsearch\Api" "XF\SubContainer\Http" => "XF\SubContainer\Http" "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" => "XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch" "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent" "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" => "XF\Repository\PaymentRepository" "XF\Payment\Stripe" => "XF\Payment\Stripe" "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal" "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache" "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Api\Mvc\Router" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Widget\Shoutbox" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\ShoutRepository" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Finder\ShoutFinder" "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" => "XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer" "XF\BbCode\Parser" => "XF\BbCode\Parser" "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\BbCode\MultiAccountBlock" "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" => "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" "XF\CustomField\Set" => "XF\CustomField\Set" "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" "XF\EmbedResolver\Post" => "XF\EmbedResolver\PostHandler" "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" => "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" "XF\Finder\UnfurlResult" => "XF\Finder\UnfurlResultFinder" "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" => "XF\SubContainer\Proxy" "XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger" ] } #entityClassNameMap: array:18 [ "XF:User" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" "XF:UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth" "XF:UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption" "XF:UserProfile" => "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" "XF:UserPrivacy" => "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" "XF:Thread" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting:ContentData" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" "XFES:ThreadSimilar" => "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" "XF:Forum" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" "XF:Node" => "XF\Entity\Node" "XF:PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" "XF:Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" "XF:PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" "XF:SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting:Post" => "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" "EWR\Porta:Article" => "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" "Siropu\Shoutbox:Shout" => "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" "XF:UnfurlResult" => "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" ] #entities: array:12 [ "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => array:1 [ 0 => XF\Entity\UserAuth {#243 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#244 +shortName: "XF:UserAuth" +contentType: null +table: "xf_user_authenticate" +primaryKey: "user_id" +columns: array:3 [ "user_id" => array:2 [ …2] "scheme_class" => array:3 [ …3] "data" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: array:1 [ "User" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: array:1 [ "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:2 [ …2] ] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 1 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserAuth" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:1 [ …1] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "XF\Entity\UserOption" => array:5 [ 0 => XF\Entity\UserOption {#241 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242 +shortName: "XF:UserOption" +contentType: null +table: "xf_user_option" +primaryKey: "user_id" +columns: array:14 [ "user_id" => array:3 [ …3] "show_dob_year" => array:2 [ …2] "show_dob_date" => array:2 [ …2] "content_show_signature" => array:2 [ …2] "receive_admin_email" => array:2 [ …2] "email_on_conversation" => array:2 [ …2] "push_on_conversation" => array:2 [ …2] "is_discouraged" => array:2 [ …2] "creation_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3] "interaction_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3] "alert_optout" => array:4 [ …4] "push_optout" => array:4 [ …4] "use_tfa" => array:2 [ …2] "liamw_postmacros_expanded_macros" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: array:3 [ "AlertOptOut" => array:3 [ …3] "PushOptOut" => array:3 [ …3] "User" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: array:1 [ "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1] ] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 2 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:2 [ …2] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 722017 => XF\Entity\UserOption {#481 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 16 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 9964 => XF\Entity\UserOption {#486 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 23 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 749200 => XF\Entity\UserOption {#491 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 30 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 1 => XF\Entity\UserOption {#496 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 37 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" => array:5 [ 0 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile {#239 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240 +shortName: "XF:UserProfile" +contentType: null +table: "xf_user_profile" +primaryKey: "user_id" +columns: array:19 [ "user_id" => array:3 [ …3] "dob_day" => array:3 [ …3] "dob_month" => array:3 [ …3] "dob_year" => array:3 [ …3] "signature" => array:5 [ …5] "website" => array:6 [ …6] "location" => array:6 [ …6] "following" => array:4 [ …4] "ignored" => array:3 [ …3] "avatar_crop_x" => array:3 [ …3] "avatar_crop_y" => array:3 [ …3] "banner_date" => array:2 [ …2] "banner_position_y" => array:5 [ …5] "banner_optimized" => array:3 [ …3] "about" => array:5 [ …5] "custom_fields" => array:3 [ …3] "connected_accounts" => array:3 [ …3] "password_date" => array:3 [ …3] "multiple_account_detection_alertable" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: array:2 [ "User" => array:4 [ …4] "CustomFields" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: array:3 [ "age" => true "birthday" => true "custom_fields" => true ] +defaultWith: [] +options: array:3 [ "max_long_string_length" => "100000" "location_required" => false "admin_edit" => false ] +behaviors: array:2 [ "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1] "XF:CustomFieldsHolder" => array:1 [ …1] ] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 3 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:1 [ …1] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 722017 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile {#480 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 15 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 9964 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile {#485 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 22 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 749200 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile {#490 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 29 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 1 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile {#495 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 36 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:19 [ …19] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => array:5 [ 0 => Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy {#237 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238 +shortName: "XF:UserPrivacy" +contentType: null +table: "xf_user_privacy" +primaryKey: "user_id" +columns: array:7 [ "user_id" => array:2 [ …2] "allow_view_profile" => array:4 [ …4] "allow_post_profile" => array:4 [ …4] "allow_send_personal_conversation" => array:4 [ …4] "allow_view_identities" => array:4 [ …4] "allow_receive_news_feed" => array:4 [ …4] "snog_flag_view" => array:4 [ …4] ] +relations: array:1 [ "User" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: array:1 [ "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1] ] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 4 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:1 [ …1] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 722017 => Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy {#444 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 14 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 9964 => Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy {#484 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 21 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 749200 => Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy {#489 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 28 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 1 => Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy {#494 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 35 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" => array:7 [ 26 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#463 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: array:4 [ "is_banned" => true "is_staff" => false "is_moderator" => false "is_admin" => false ] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245 +shortName: "XF:User" +contentType: "user" +table: "xf_user" +primaryKey: "user_id" +columns: array:53 [ "user_id" => array:4 [ …4] "username" => array:4 [ …4] "username_date" => array:3 [ …3] "username_date_visible" => array:3 [ …3] "email" => array:2 [ …2] "style_id" => array:3 [ …3] "style_variation" => array:4 [ …4] "language_id" => array:3 [ …3] "timezone" => array:3 [ …3] "visible" => array:2 [ …2] "activity_visible" => array:2 [ …2] "user_group_id" => array:2 [ …2] "secondary_group_ids" => array:3 [ …3] "display_style_group_id" => array:3 [ …3] "permission_combination_id" => array:3 [ …3] "message_count" => array:5 [ …5] "question_solution_count" => array:5 [ …5] "alerts_unviewed" => array:5 [ …5] "alerts_unread" => array:5 [ …5] "conversations_unread" => array:5 [ …5] "register_date" => array:3 [ …3] "last_activity" => array:3 [ …3] "last_summary_email_date" => array:4 [ …4] "trophy_points" => array:5 [ …5] "avatar_date" => array:2 [ …2] "avatar_width" => array:4 [ …4] "avatar_height" => array:4 [ …4] "avatar_highdpi" => array:3 [ …3] "avatar_optimized" => array:3 [ …3] "gravatar" => array:4 [ …4] "user_state" => array:3 [ …3] "security_lock" => array:3 [ …3] "is_moderator" => array:2 [ …2] "is_admin" => array:2 [ …2] "is_staff" => array:3 [ …3] "is_banned" => array:2 [ …2] "reaction_score" => array:4 [ …4] "vote_score" => array:4 [ …4] "custom_title" => array:4 [ …4] "warning_points" => array:4 [ …4] "secret_key" => array:4 [ …4] "privacy_policy_accepted" => array:2 [ …2] "terms_accepted" => array:2 [ …2] "siropu_shoutbox_room_id" => array:3 [ …3] "siropu_shoutbox_last_active" => array:3 [ …3] "siropu_shoutbox_post_count" => array:3 [ …3] "siropu_shoutbox_ban" => array:3 [ …3] "xfmg_album_count" => array:4 [ …4] "xfmg_media_count" => array:4 [ …4] "xfmg_media_quota" => array:4 [ …4] "xfrm_resource_count" => array:4 [ …4] "snog_flag" => array:3 [ …3] "snog_flag_forced" => array:3 [ …3] ] +relations: array:18 [ "Admin" => array:4 [ …4] "Auth" => array:4 [ …4] "ConnectedAccounts" => array:4 [ …4] "Option" => array:4 [ …4] "PermissionCombination" => array:5 [ …5] "Profile" => array:4 [ …4] "Privacy" => array:4 [ …4] "Ban" => array:4 [ …4] "Reject" => array:4 [ …4] "Activity" => array:4 [ …4] "ApprovalQueue" => array:4 [ …4] "Following" => array:5 [ …5] "PendingUsernameChange" => array:4 [ …4] "PreRegAction" => array:4 [ …4] "Moderator" => array:4 [ …4] "AccountDetectionToken" => array:3 [ …3] "UserRegistrationLogs" => array:5 [ …5] "MultiAccountUser" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: array:14 [ "PermissionSet" => array:2 [ …2] "permission_combination_id" => false "is_super_admin" => true "last_activity" => true "email_confirm_key" => true "warning_count" => true "next_allowed_username_change" => true "xfmg_media_quota" => false "AccountDetectionToken" => array:2 [ …2] "HasLoginRecords" => array:2 [ …2] "HasMultiAccounts" => array:2 [ …2] "HasRegistrationLogs" => array:2 [ …2] "UserRegistrationLogs" => array:2 [ …2] "svLastLogin" => array:2 [ …2] ] +defaultWith: array:1 [ 0 => "Privacy" ] +options: array:9 [ "allow_self_delete" => false "custom_title_disallowed" => array:2 [ …2] "admin_edit" => false "enqueue_rename_cleanup" => true "enqueue_delete_cleanup" => true "prevent_self_lock" => true "insert_username_change_history" => true "insert_username_change_visible" => false "svMultiAccountLogEvent" => false ] +behaviors: array:2 [ "XF:ChangeLoggable" => [] "XF:Webhook" => [] ] +columnAliases: array:1 [ "like_count" => "reaction_score" ] +withAliases: array:1 [ "api" => array:5 [ …5] ] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 9 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ "user_id" => 26 "username" => "Intercessor" "username_date" => 0 "username_date_visible" => 0 "email" => "" "email_testflight" => null "custom_title" => "" "language_id" => 1 "style_id" => 0 "style_variation" => "" "timezone" => "Asia/Singapore" "visible" => 0 "activity_visible" => 0 "user_group_id" => 2 "secondary_group_ids" => "13,14" "display_style_group_id" => 14 "permission_combination_id" => 40 "message_count" => 17770 "question_solution_count" => 0 "conversations_unread" => 0 "register_date" => 1211181914 "last_activity" => 1721525426 "last_summary_email_date" => 1 "trophy_points" => 102 "alerts_unviewed" => 0 "alerts_unread" => 4 "avatar_date" => 1724575194 "avatar_width" => 384 "avatar_height" => 384 "avatar_highdpi" => 1 "avatar_optimized" => 0 "gravatar" => "" "user_state" => "valid" "security_lock" => "" "is_moderator" => 0 "is_admin" => 0 "is_banned" => 1 "reaction_score" => 11226 "warning_points" => 0 "is_staff" => 0 "xfrm_resource_count" => 2 "xfmg_media_count" => 6 "xfmg_album_count" => 0 "xfmg_media_quota" => 725 "secret_key" => "Q1bIf5ga_37FhiuBoaI1Mf2Imvq80Rmt" "andy_weekly_digest_opt_out" => 0 "privacy_policy_accepted" => 1211181914 "terms_accepted" => 1211181914 "device_token" => "" "device_unique_identifier" => "" "is_on_mobile_app" => 0 "is_on_web_mobile" => 1 "have_used_mobile_app" => 0 "last_used_mobile_app" => 0 "appify" => null "sendy" => 0 "snog_flag_forced" => 0 "vote_score" => 0 "snog_flag" => "" "siropu_shoutbox_room_id" => 0 "siropu_shoutbox_last_active" => 0 "siropu_shoutbox_post_count" => 0 "siropu_shoutbox_ban" => -1 ] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 722017 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#482 #_getterCache: array:3 [ …3] #_valueCache: array:6 [ …6] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 17 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: array:5 [ …5] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 9964 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#487 #_getterCache: array:3 [ …3] #_valueCache: array:6 [ …6] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 24 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: array:5 [ …5] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 749200 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#492 #_getterCache: array:3 [ …3] #_valueCache: array:6 [ …6] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 31 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: array:5 [ …5] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 1 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#497 #_getterCache: array:3 [ …3] #_valueCache: array:6 [ …6] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 38 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: array:5 [ …5] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 758 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#515 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: array:4 [ …4] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 40 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 1111436 => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#587 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: array:4 [ …4] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 42 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:63 [ …63] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "XF\Entity\Node" => array:1 [ 161 => XF\Entity\Node {#307 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#304 +shortName: "XF:Node" +contentType: "node" +table: "xf_node" +primaryKey: "node_id" +columns: array:16 [ "node_id" => array:3 [ …3] "title" => array:4 [ …4] "node_name" => array:7 [ …7] "description" => array:3 [ …3] "node_type_id" => array:4 [ …4] "parent_node_id" => array:4 [ …4] "display_order" => array:3 [ …3] "lft" => array:1 [ …1] "rgt" => array:1 [ …1] "depth" => array:1 [ …1] "style_id" => array:2 [ …2] "effective_style_id" => array:2 [ …2] "display_in_list" => array:3 [ …3] "breadcrumb_data" => array:2 [ …2] "navigation_id" => array:3 [ …3] "effective_navigation_id" => array:3 [ …3] ] +relations: array:5 [ "Parent" => array:4 [ …4] "NodeType" => array:4 [ …4] "Permissions" => array:5 [ …5] "Moderators" => array:3 [ …3] "Bookmarks" => array:5 [ …5] ] +getters: array:3 [ "Data" => true "node_type_info" => true "handler" => true ] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: array:1 [ "XF:TreeStructured" => array:4 [ …4] ] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: array:1 [ "api" => array:1 [ …1] ] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 6 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Node" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:16 [ …16] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" => array:1 [ 161 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum {#465 #_getterCache: array:2 [ "TypeHandler" => XFRM\XF\ForumType\Discussion {#471 …1} "type_config" => array:3 [ …3] ] #_valueCache: array:3 [ "type_config" => array:3 [ …3] "field_cache" => [] "allow_posting" => false ] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#302 +shortName: "XF:Forum" +contentType: "forum" +table: "xf_forum" +primaryKey: "node_id" +columns: array:32 [ "node_id" => array:2 [ …2] "discussion_count" => array:3 [ …3] "message_count" => array:3 [ …3] "last_post_id" => array:2 [ …2] "last_post_date" => array:2 [ …2] "last_post_user_id" => array:2 [ …2] "last_post_username" => array:3 [ …3] "last_thread_id" => array:2 [ …2] "last_thread_title" => array:3 [ …3] "last_thread_prefix_id" => array:2 [ …2] "moderate_threads" => array:2 [ …2] "moderate_replies" => array:2 [ …2] "forum_type_id" => array:3 [ …3] "type_config" => array:2 [ …2] "allow_posting" => array:3 [ …3] "count_messages" => array:2 [ …2] "auto_feature" => array:2 [ …2] "find_new" => array:2 [ …2] "allow_index" => array:3 [ …3] "index_criteria" => array:2 [ …2] "require_prefix" => array:3 [ …3] "allowed_watch_notifications" => array:3 [ …3] "field_cache" => array:2 [ …2] "prefix_cache" => array:2 [ …2] "prompt_cache" => array:2 [ …2] "default_prefix_id" => array:2 [ …2] "default_sort_order" => array:2 [ …2] "default_sort_direction" => array:3 [ …3] "list_date_limit_days" => array:3 [ …3] "min_tags" => array:4 [ …4] "xfmg_media_mirror_category_id" => array:3 [ …3] "liamw_postmacros_allow_macros" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: array:8 [ "Read" => array:4 [ …4] "Watch" => array:4 [ …4] "DraftThreads" => array:4 [ …4] "LastPost" => array:4 [ …4] "LastPostUser" => array:4 [ …4] "LastThread" => array:4 [ …4] "Node" => array:5 [ …5] "XfmgMediaMirrorCategory" => array:4 [ …4] ] +getters: array:11 [ "draft_thread" => true "prefixes" => true "thread_prompt" => true "TypeHandler" => array:3 [ …3] "type_config" => array:3 [ …3] "node_name" => array:2 [ …2] "title" => array:2 [ …2] "description" => array:2 [ …2] "depth" => array:2 [ …2] "is_per_day_rate_limited" => array:2 [ …2] "last_post_username" => array:3 [ …3] ] +defaultWith: array:1 [ 0 => "Node" ] +options: array:2 [ "delete_threads" => true "tapContext" => null ] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: array:1 [ "api" => array:2 [ …2] ] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 7 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Forum" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:32 [ "node_id" => 161 "discussion_count" => 127504 "message_count" => 1195447 "last_post_id" => 37423920 "last_post_date" => 1719753256 "last_post_user_id" => 1034439 "last_post_username" => "Abençoada" "last_thread_id" => 4888053 "last_thread_title" => "Prayers for my son Tommy, back to ..." "last_thread_prefix_id" => 0 "moderate_threads" => 0 "moderate_replies" => 0 "allow_posting" => 0 "count_messages" => 1 "auto_feature" => 0 "find_new" => 1 "allow_index" => "allow" "index_criteria" => "{"is_sticky":false,"is_article":false,"is_solved_question":false,"first_post_staff":false}" "field_cache" => "[]" "prefix_cache" => "[]" "default_prefix_id" => 0 "default_sort_order" => "post_date" "default_sort_direction" => "desc" "list_date_limit_days" => 0 "require_prefix" => 0 "allowed_watch_notifications" => "all" "min_tags" => 0 "prompt_cache" => "[]" "forum_type_id" => "discussion" "type_config" => "{"allowed_thread_types":[],"allow_answer_voting":false,"allow_answer_downvote":false}" "xfmg_media_mirror_category_id" => 0 "liamw_postmacros_allow_macros" => 1 ] #_relations: array:1 [ "Node" => XF\Entity\Node {#307} ] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" => array:1 [ 4893962 => XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar {#464 #_getterCache: [] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#292 +shortName: "XFES:ThreadSimilar" +contentType: null +table: "xf_es_thread_similar" +primaryKey: "thread_id" +columns: array:4 [ "thread_id" => array:2 [ …2] "last_update_date" => array:2 [ …2] "pending_rebuild" => array:2 [ …2] "similar_thread_ids" => array:3 [ …3] ] +relations: [] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 8 #rootClass: "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:4 [ "thread_id" => 4893962 "last_update_date" => 1735092249 "pending_rebuild" => 0 "similar_thread_ids" => "4894818,4894649,4894454,4894303,4894648,4894192,4893452,4892679,4892477,4892835,5015399,4900734,4900517,4900256,4900047,4899893,4899428,4899104,4898879,4898031,4897882,4897387,4892893,4897056,4892212,4897527,4957428,4955210,4954264,4953376,4953133,4893015,4891876,4890339,4890229,4895685,4895336,4894994,4887519,4886496,4886127,4890545,4889562,4895085,4889036,4888656,4882082,4893412,4886910,4882329,4879477,4891448,4892373,4884473,4882153,4887817,4887661,4881310,4892016,4880858,4873925,4873795,4880536,4880068,4879682,4879681,4889451,4877903,4877735,4877643,4891345,4877388,4877226,4883635,4886658,4886656,4881822,4876987,4882903,4876212,4875896,4886962,4884349,4870159,4876801,4882057,4892619,4871244,4871415,4869801,4869536,5069822,5070168,4863027,4868792,4873738,4873374,4873491,4881079,4873215" ] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" => array:1 [ 4893962 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread {#462} ] "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" => array:4 [ 36758104 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post {#483 #_getterCache: array:8 [ …8] #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#456 +shortName: "XF:Post" +contentType: "post" +table: "xf_post" +primaryKey: "post_id" +columns: array:22 [ "post_id" => array:3 [ …3] "thread_id" => array:3 [ …3] "user_id" => array:3 [ …3] "username" => array:4 [ …4] "post_date" => array:4 [ …4] "message" => array:3 [ …3] "ip_id" => array:2 [ …2] "message_state" => array:4 [ …4] "attach_count" => array:5 [ …5] …13 ] +relations: array:10 [ …10] +getters: array:11 [ …11] +defaultWith: [] +options: array:3 [ …3] +behaviors: array:5 [ …5] +columnAliases: array:2 [ …2] +withAliases: array:2 [ …2] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 18 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Post" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:22 [ …22] #_relations: array:4 [ …4] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null #redirection: false } 36758254 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post {#488 #_getterCache: array:8 [ …8] #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#456} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 25 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Post" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:22 [ …22] #_relations: array:4 [ …4] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null #redirection: false } 36764899 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post {#493 #_getterCache: array:8 [ …8] #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#456} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 32 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Post" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:22 [ …22] #_relations: array:4 [ …4] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null #redirection: false } 36780627 => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post {#498 #_getterCache: array:8 [ …8] #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#456} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 39 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Post" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:22 [ …22] #_relations: array:4 [ …4] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null #redirection: false } ] "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" => array:5 [ 3589 => Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout {#586 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511 +shortName: "Siropu\Shoutbox:Shout" +contentType: null +table: "xf_siropu_shoutbox_shout" +primaryKey: "shout_id" +columns: array:7 [ …7] +relations: array:1 [ …1] +getters: [] +defaultWith: array:1 [ …1] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 41 #rootClass: "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 3588 => Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout {#588 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 43 #rootClass: "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 3587 => Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout {#589 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 45 #rootClass: "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 3586 => Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout {#590 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 47 #rootClass: "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } 3585 => Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout {#591 #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1] #_valueCache: [] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511} #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 49 #rootClass: "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:7 [ …7] #_relations: array:1 [ …1] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" => array:1 [ 996902 => XF\Entity\UnfurlResult {#693 #_getterCache: array:2 [ …2] #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1] #_structure: XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#685 +shortName: "XF:UnfurlResult" +contentType: null +table: "xf_unfurl_result" +primaryKey: "result_id" +columns: array:10 [ …10] +relations: [] +getters: array:2 [ …2] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } #_em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} -_uniqueEntityId: 55 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:10 [ …10] #_relations: [] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null } ] ] #structures: array:18 [ "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#245} "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#244} "XF\Entity\UserOption" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#242} "SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\UserProfile" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#240} "Snog\Flags\XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#238} "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Thread" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#293} "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\ContentData" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#301 +shortName: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting:ContentData" +contentType: null +table: "xf_tap_content_data" +primaryKey: "content_data_id" +columns: array:4 [ "content_data_id" => array:3 [ …3] "content_type" => array:3 [ …3] "content_id" => array:2 [ …2] "data" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: array:1 [ "Posts" => array:5 [ …5] ] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#292} "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#302} "XF\Entity\Node" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#304} "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#306 +shortName: "XF:PermissionCacheContent" +contentType: null +table: "xf_permission_cache_content" +primaryKey: array:3 [ 0 => "permission_combination_id" 1 => "content_type" 2 => "content_id" ] +columns: array:4 [ "permission_combination_id" => array:2 [ …2] "content_type" => array:3 [ …3] "content_id" => array:2 [ …2] "cache_value" => array:2 [ …2] ] +relations: [] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Post" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#456} "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#449 +shortName: "XF:PermissionCombination" +contentType: null +table: "xf_permission_combination" +primaryKey: "permission_combination_id" +columns: array:4 [ …4] +relations: array:2 [ …2] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: array:1 [ …1] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#448 +shortName: "XF:SessionActivity" +contentType: null +table: "xf_session_activity" +primaryKey: array:2 [ …2] +columns: array:9 [ …9] +relations: array:1 [ …1] +getters: array:6 [ …6] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\Entity\Post" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#447 +shortName: "Truonglv\AnonymousPosting:Post" +contentType: null +table: "xf_tap_post" +primaryKey: "post_id" +columns: array:3 [ …3] +relations: array:3 [ …3] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "EWR\Porta\Entity\Article" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#472 +shortName: "EWR\Porta:Article" +contentType: null +table: "ewr_porta_articles" +primaryKey: "thread_id" +columns: array:9 [ …9] +relations: array:2 [ …2] +getters: [] +defaultWith: [] +options: [] +behaviors: [] +columnAliases: [] +withAliases: [] } "Siropu\Shoutbox\Entity\Shout" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#511} "XF\Entity\UnfurlResult" => XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure {#685} ] #repositories: array:14 [ "XF:UserRepository" => XF\Repository\UserRepository {#247 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:User" } "SV\StandardLib:LinkBuilder" => SV\StandardLib\Repository\LinkBuilder {#282 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "SV\StandardLib:LinkBuilder" } "XF:ThreadRepository" => XFES\XF\Repository\Thread {#461 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Thread" } "XF:PostRepository" => XF\Repository\PostRepository {#459 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Post" } "XF:AttachmentRepository" => XF\Repository\AttachmentRepository {#446 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Attachment" } "XF:UnfurlRepository" => XF\Repository\UnfurlRepository {#445 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Unfurl" } "XF:EmbedResolverRepository" => XF\Repository\EmbedResolverRepository {#473 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:EmbedResolver" } "XF:UserAlertRepository" => xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert {#474 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:UserAlert" } "XF:ThreadTypeRepository" => XF\Repository\ThreadTypeRepository {#470 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:ThreadType" } "XFMG:Media" => XFMG\Repository\Media {#309 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XFMG:Media" } "XF:SessionActivityRepository" => xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity {#319 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:SessionActivity" } "XF:IconRepository" => XF\Repository\IconRepository {#347 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Icon" } "XF:PaymentRepository" => XF\Repository\PaymentRepository {#372 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "XF:Payment" } "Siropu\Shoutbox:Shout" => Siropu\Shoutbox\Repository\Shout {#510 #em: XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager {#246} #identifier: "Siropu\Shoutbox:Shout" } ] #cascadeEntitySeen: [] #cascadeEventDepth: [] } -_uniqueEntityId: 11 #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Thread" #_useReplaceInto: false #_newValues: [] #_values: array:31 [ "thread_id" => 4893962 "node_id" => 161 "title" => "God's Honor, Our Needs & His Kingdom, Power & Glory (Matt 6:9-13)" "reply_count" => 13 "view_count" => 149 "user_id" => 26 "username" => 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"auto_reply_lock" => 0 "audio_content_html" => null ] #_relations: array:5 [ "Forum" => Truonglv\AnonymousPosting\XF\Entity\Forum {#465} "XFES_SimilarThreads" => XFES\Entity\ThreadSimilar {#464} "User" => SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Entity\User {#463} "TAPContentData" => null "PortaArticle" => null ] #_previousValues: [] #_options: [] #_deleted: false #_readOnly: false #_writePending: false #_writeRunning: false #_errors: [] #_whenSaveable: [] #_cascadeSave: [] #_behaviors: null }