Beloved of All
Please pray that God protects me, helps me, and guides me in my relationship with my mom. Please pray that I feel peace when my mom is near me. Please pray that God gives me wisdom and understanding in my relationship with my mom. Please pray my finances get better. Please pray that I get an apartment and a car soon, and that I have help from God paying my bills. Please pray that I finish college soon. Please pray that I get a new job soon. Please pray that I get to spend more time with my friends and siblings. And please pray that God blesses and anoints my relationships. Please pray that God heals my skin, my body, my mind, and my finances. Please pray that my nose and hands and skin are healed soon. Please pray that I finish writing eleven novels. Please pray that I am covered in mercy daily. Please pray that God blesses my job search and that anyone else searching for a job is able to find one. Please pray that my reputation is protected and that everyone knows I am a good person and that I do good things. Please pray that I am protected while I am sleeping. Please pray that when my mom is near me that peace from Heaven surrounds me. Please pray that my mom reads The Holy Bible every day. Please pray that God blesses my mom's eyes. Please pray my mom is protected and safe and work. Please pray my mom plays worship music while driving. Please pray everyone in my community is safe and blessed. Please pray any curse from my past is broken by The Word Of God. Please pray that I go to church every week. Please pray that I love and enjoy going to church. Please pray that I love my mom and that I am nice to her every day. Please pray that my mom's home is organized and that God sends Heavenly angels to help organize this home and make it better. Please pray that God blesses my mom's mind. Please pray that my mom is covered in mercy. Please pray that my mom loves God. Please pray my mom's coworkers and friends are blessed. Please pray all my aunts and uncles are blessed. Please pray that God blesses everyone who knows me and everyone who loves me. The Word Of God will not be stopped. Please pray all my ministries get better. Please pray that I reach my ministry content goals this year. Please pray that I am protected from all witchcraft. Please pray that I reach all my goals. Please pray I get to spend more time with my friends. Please pray my siblings are blessed with jobs, cars and good finances. Please pray I am protected from witchcraft and curses of the past. Please pray I become more organized. Please pray my relationships with everyone in my community gets better. Please pray I am able to live in peace with everyone. Please pray I am able to do more things that make me happy. Please pray I am protected from abuse and manipulation. Please pray that God purifies me. Please pray that my ministries get better. Please pray I am able to preach the gospel more. Please pray I am protected and safe while home alone. Please pray that God blesses me with food and water. Please pray I preach the gospel to many people. Please pray my electronics and accounts are protected from being hacked and that I know how to protect myself. Please pray I have mercy concerning vows I have made. Please pray that I am protected and safe at all times. Please pray that I preach the gospel well. Please pray my OneNote gets organized. Please pray God comforts me while I am home this year. Please pray that angels minister to me while I am home this year every hour. Please pray I finish writing all my novels. Please pray I catch up on my to do's. Please pray everyone is kind to me. Please pray my relationships get better. Please pray my finances get better and that I manage money better. Please pray my cellphone bill and wifi bill are paid every month. Please pray that God blesses me with job, checks, and bonuses. Please pray that I love everyone. Please pray that I reach my tithe goals. Please pray that God covers me in goodness and mercy. Please pray that I am protected while I am sleeping. Please pray that I get a new home soon. Please pray I am delivered from bad habits. Please pray I have grace to complete my vows. Please pray that God blesses those who blessed me. Please pray I have help from God organizing my things. Please pray that God shows me the truth about everyone, and what to do with it. Please pray that God shows me the truth and what to do with it. Please pray that things get better for me. Please pray my wisdom increases. Please pray my phone becomes more organized. Please pray I finish college soon. Please pray I become more organized. Please pray I have grace to set up my Bible Study groups.