God, please help people get out and vote. And vote this cancerous Donald Trump and his harmful ideologies out of the country!!

I know a lot of Christians on here are Pro Trump... they are anti-abortion, don't want any more changes in the country... I understand.

But please see the state of this country. They're sending children to schools where the kids can catch covid and give it to their parents, teachers... grandparents. Everyone hates each other, such division...

The US has always had nobility, decency... we've lost that, and are at risk of losing it forever. We were once one of the most beautiful, looked up to countries, and we are now a disaster.

Biden is not a socialist and never will be. Of course he does not want to eliminate police. He's as old school American as it gets. Don't let Trump's propaganda scare you. He's middle of the road as it goes, and will restore the US back to nobility and health.

Please join me in prayer, please God, please let the right thing happen, and let Biden prevail. All the hateful people on the street, banish them back to their houses where they can no longer cause harm.

Please restore the health of the country.

And guys, if you haven't voted yet, please Vote Biden Harris! It's not perfect, but we can't continue down this road any longer... there will be no democracy and no country left at this rate!!!

Attention! To all that reads this message from ItryMyBest

Titled: God Please Help Biden Win and Restore this Country!

I speak to you in the Name of Jesus who is my Lord and Savior

I speak to you with humility and honesty. I have no interest in a Political Party
I am speaking as a servant of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God This person who has brought this dire message pleading to God to help people get out to vote for Biden and those of you here to vote for Biden.First of all this person does not have the heart of Almighty God nor for the American people period! By this posting and the down right lies and deceptions that is made I doubt that this person is saved just using Gods name to deceive and influence the Saints here. These claims that is made against Donald Trump are totally false, bogus, made up and down right total LIES!

It’s just scare tactics to get you to vote for Biden because this is who they want instead of this person having the heart of God, for people, America, and for the aborted babies which is a sin murder plain and simple. Ten Commandants Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill and so many other abominations against God and righteousness that Biden and Harris are pushing and standing for. They are against anything that is Godly they hate anything that represents Jesus and the Holy Bible. Everything the Bible stands for this Party goes totally against. They associate good with evil and call evil good. Biden and Harris the whole Democratic Party are Legalist, Socialist and Communist. They are pushing to take away our rights and freedom even worshiping in Church. They want to change our Constitution and take away other rights that we freely are able to exercise. They want to remove “In God We Trust from our Money, They promote same sex marriages and even promote sex education in kindergarten and up in schools to teach the children about oral, anal and vaginal sexual acts. They promote killing babies even up to full term if you don’t want your baby just allow it to be killed. They promote little children who decide that they want to change their gender they support even a 3 year old child and up?

So many other ungodly things they stand for and support. One the other hand Donald Trump is fighting for America and the American people against socialism, communism and legalism. Donald Trump supports freedom of religion; He fights for the rights of the American people regardless of race. There is so many other things that Donald Trump upholds and supports the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Covid pandemic was not caused or sent by Donald Trump he did all that he could to help make the American people safe. When the Covid spread eased down this is when Donald Trump supported the cries of the parents and teachers to allow the schools to be opened. Also this bogus statement made that due to Donald Trump that children are getting Covid along with their parents, teachers and grandparents etc. America has not lost any such thing as nobility, and decency whatsoever! IF anybody would study what

Donald Trump stands for the American people verses Biden and Harris you can clearly see that I am telling you the TRUTH!

If Biden and Harris are elected America and the American people will lose their God given freedom and America will be no more Democracy! It will become a Socialist Country anti God and freedom of choice becoming totally under Government rule.Please who ever read this do your own homework for yourself but what is said about Donald Trump by this person is a lie! Plain and Simple

I and other prayer warriors are praying that God gives Donald Trump another 4 more years and when those years are done. We pray that his son will run for President to carry on what his father has done for us Americans.

Thank you for listening
God, please help people get out and vote. And vote this cancerous Donald Trump and his harmful ideologies out of the country!!

I know a lot of Christians on here are Pro Trump... they are anti-abortion, don't want any more changes in the country... I understand.

But please see the state of this country. They're sending children to schools where the kids can catch covid and give it to their parents, teachers... grandparents. Everyone hates each other, such division...

The US has always had nobility, decency... we've lost that, and are at risk of losing it forever. We were once one of the most beautiful, looked up to countries, and we are now a disaster.

Biden is not a socialist and never will be. Of course he does not want to eliminate police. He's as old school American as it gets. Don't let Trump's propaganda scare you. He's middle of the road as it goes, and will restore the US back to nobility and health.

Please join me in prayer, please God, please let the right thing happen, and let Biden prevail. All the hateful people on the street, banish them back to their houses where they can no longer cause harm.

Please restore the health of the country.

And guys, if you haven't voted yet, please Vote Biden Harris! It's not perfect, but we can't continue down this road any longer... there will be no democracy and no country left at this rate!!!

Attention! To all that reads this message from ItryMyBest

Titled: God Please Help Biden Win and Restore this Country!

I speak to you in the Name of Jesus who is my Lord and Savior
I speak to you with humility and honesty. I have no interest in a Political Party. I am speaking as a servant of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God.This person who has brought this dire message pleading to God to help people get out to vote for Biden and those of you here to vote for Biden.First of all this person does not have the heart of Almighty God nor for the American people period! By this posting and the down right lies and deceptions that is made I doubt that this person is saved just using Gods name to deceive and influence the Saints here. These claims that is made against Donald Trump are totally false, bogus, made up and down right total LIES!

It’s just scare tactics to get you to vote for Biden because this is who they want instead of this person having the heart of God, for people, America, and for the aborted babies which is a sin murder plain and simple. Ten Commandants Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill and so many other abominations against God and righteousness that Biden and Harris are pushing and standing for. They are against anything that is Godly they hate anything that represents Jesus and the Holy Bible. Everything the Bible stands for this Party goes totally against. They associate good with evil and call evil good. Biden and Harris the whole Democratic Party are Legalist, Socialist and Communist. They are pushing to take away our rights and freedom even worshipping in Church. They want to change our Constitution and take away other rights that we freely are able to exercise. They want to remove “In God We Trust from our Money, They promote same sex marriages and even promote sex education in kindergarten and up in schools to teach the children about oral, anal and vaginal sexual acts. They promote killing babies even up to full term if you don’t want your baby just allow it to be killed. They promote little children who decide that they want to change their gender they support even a 3 year old child and up?
So many other ungodly things they stand for and support. One the other hand
Donald Trump is fighting for America and the American people against socialism, communism and legalism. Donald Trump supports freedom of religion; He fights for the rights of the American people regardless of race. There is so many other things that Donald Trump upholds and supports the Constitution of the United States of America

The Covid pandemic was not caused or sent by Donald Trump he did all that he could to help make the American people safe. When the Covid spread eased down this is when Donald Trump supported the cries of the parents and teachers to allow the schools to be opened. Also this bogus statement made that due to Donald Trump that children are getting Covid along with their parents, teachers and grandparents etc. America has not lost any such thing as nobility, and decency whatsoever! IF anybody would study what

Donald Trump stands for the American people verses Biden and Harris you can clearly see that I am telling you the TRUTH!

If Biden and Harris are elected America and the American people will lose their God given freedom and America will be no more Democracy! It will become a Socialist Country anti God and freedom of choice becoming totally under Government rule.

Please who ever read this do your own homework for yourself but what is said about Donald Trump by this person is a lie! Plain and Simple

I and other prayer warriors are praying that God gives Donald Trump another 4 more years and when those years are done. We pray that his son will run for President to carry on what his father has done for us Americans.

Thank you for listening
Character always matters, but if a completely virtuous person is not one of your choices, maybe the policies represented by one candidate are more virtuous than the policies of the other candidates. Is one candidate working on behalf of the abortion industry while the other works to defend life? Does one candidate defend conscience rights while the other supports suing nuns and churches that live out their faith? Does one candidate want parents involved in their child’s education and health care decisions while the other wants the state to interfere with parental rights? In a situation where all the candidates are flawed, we might be able to find clarity if we allow ourselves to think less about people involved and more about policies that will be affected. In addition, if there is no “best candidate,” it may be helpful to think about the “best team.” No politician works alone. Most candidates are part of a political party, and all candidates have donors and supporters. Executive offices, like mayors, governors, and presidents also appoint cabinet members, judges, ambassadors, and thousands of other positions that affect how government operates. Which candidate, for political reasons, is going to be pressured more often to do things you like and which candidate is going to face pressure to do things you won’t like? If the two foremen are not people you especially care for, is there a reason to prefer one crew over another? Though it sometimes seems the end is near, we do still live on earth and that means we will be consistently faced with imperfect choices. It would be nice if the choice was always clearly good or evil, but it’s not. Sometimes the choice is better or worse, and if you aren’t willing to choose better, you may find yourself stuck with worse.
7 “And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you. For it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their King. 8 Just as they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking Me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. 9 Now listen to them, but you must solemnly warn them and show them the manner of the king who will reign over them” 1 Sam 8:7-9

David Got The Throne Legally...

So Israel didn’t vote or David would have lost. They only had one tribe, Judah, his own, and a minority of the Benjamites vs the other 10 tribes. Saul was killed and then there was civil war for a number of years. Very different from America. America allows its citizens to vote, most of whom are unsaved and most believers who have either apostatized away from the knowledge and teachings of the Bible and do not go to church. They now have lost their moral compass and support people who support murder of infants up to the birthing table, homosexuality, gay marriage, suppression of free speech, and are unable to hold an intellectual conversation. Elections were on Nov 4th. Total control is coming unless there is a successful civil war first.

Prepare for antichrist. Trump and The Free America we have enjoyed were the only thing in the way of a new world order. Watch and read “1984“ by Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Prepare for a “boot in the face of humanity.”
Character always matters, but if a completely virtuous person is not one of your choices, maybe the policies represented by one candidate are more virtuous than the policies of the other candidates. Is one candidate working on behalf of the abortion industry while the other works to defend life? Does one candidate defend conscience rights while the other supports suing nuns and churches that live out their faith? Does one candidate want parents involved in their child’s education and health care decisions while the other wants the state to interfere with parental rights? In a situation where all the candidates are flawed, we might be able to find clarity if we allow ourselves to think less about people involved and more about policies that will be affected. In addition, if there is no “best candidate,” it may be helpful to think about the “best team.” No politician works alone. Most candidates are part of a political party, and all candidates have donors and supporters. Executive offices, like mayors, governors, and presidents also appoint cabinet members, judges, ambassadors, and thousands of other positions that affect how government operates. Which candidate, for political reasons, is going to be pressured more often to do things you like and which candidate is going to face pressure to do things you won’t like? If the two foremen are not people you especially care for, is there a reason to prefer one crew over another? Though it sometimes seems the end is near, we do still live on earth and that means we will be consistently faced with imperfect choices. It would be nice if the choice was always clearly good or evil, but it’s not. Sometimes the choice is better or worse, and if you aren’t willing to choose better, you may find yourself stuck with worse.
Your opinions are just that OPINIONS I and so many America people say Thank you Almighty God for President Donald J. Trump amen!
God, please help people get out and vote. And vote this cancerous Donald Trump and his harmful ideologies out of the country!!

I know a lot of Christians on here are Pro Trump... they are anti-abortion, don't want any more changes in the country... I understand.

But please see the state of this country. They're sending children to schools where the kids can catch covid and give it to their parents, teachers... grandparents. Everyone hates each other, such division...

The US has always had nobility, decency... we've lost that, and are at risk of losing it forever. We were once one of the most beautiful, looked up to countries, and we are now a disaster.

Biden is not a socialist and never will be. Of course he does not want to eliminate police. He's as old school American as it gets. Don't let Trump's propaganda scare you. He's middle of the road as it goes, and will restore the US back to nobility and health.

Please join me in prayer, please God, please let the right thing happen, and let Biden prevail. All the hateful people on the street, banish them back to their houses where they can no longer cause harm.

Please restore the health of the country.

And guys, if you haven't voted yet, please Vote Biden Harris! It's not perfect, but we can't continue down this road any longer... there will be no democracy and no country left at this rate!!!

Attention! To all that reads this message from ItryMyBest

Titled: God Please Help Biden Win and Restore this Country!

I speak to you in the Name of Jesus who is my Lord and Savior

I speak to you with humility and honesty. I have no interest in a Political Party
I am speaking as a servant of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God This person who has brought this dire message pleading to God to help people get out to vote for Biden and those of you here to vote for Biden.First of all this person does not have the heart of Almighty God nor for the American people period! By this posting and the down right lies and deceptions that is made I doubt that this person is saved just using Gods name to deceive and influence the Saints here. These claims that is made against Donald Trump are totally false, bogus, made up and down right total LIES!

It’s just scare tactics to get you to vote for Biden because this is who they want instead of this person having the heart of God, for people, America, and for the aborted babies which is a sin murder plain and simple. Ten Commandants Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill and so many other abominations against God and righteousness that Biden and Harris are pushing and standing for. They are against anything that is Godly they hate anything that represents Jesus and the Holy Bible. Everything the Bible stands for this Party goes totally against. They associate good with evil and call evil good. Biden and Harris the whole Democratic Party are Legalist, Socialist and Communist. They are pushing to take away our rights and freedom even worshiping in Church. They want to change our Constitution and take away other rights that we freely are able to exercise. They want to remove “In God We Trust from our Money, They promote same sex marriages and even promote sex education in kindergarten and up in schools to teach the children about oral, anal and vaginal sexual acts. They promote killing babies even up to full term if you don’t want your baby just allow it to be killed. They promote little children who decide that they want to change their gender they support even a 3 year old child and up?

So many other ungodly things they stand for and support. One the other hand Donald Trump is fighting for America and the American people against socialism, communism and legalism. Donald Trump supports freedom of religion; He fights for the rights of the American people regardless of race. There is so many other things that Donald Trump upholds and supports the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Covid pandemic was not caused or sent by Donald Trump he did all that he could to help make the American people safe. When the Covid spread eased down this is when Donald Trump supported the cries of the parents and teachers to allow the schools to be opened. Also this bogus statement made that due to Donald Trump that children are getting Covid along with their parents, teachers and grandparents etc. America has not lost any such thing as nobility, and decency whatsoever! IF anybody would study what

Donald Trump stands for the American people verses Biden and Harris you can clearly see that I am telling you the TRUTH!

If Biden and Harris are elected America and the American people will lose their God given freedom and America will be no more Democracy! It will become a Socialist Country anti God and freedom of choice becoming totally under Government rule.Please who ever read this do your own homework for yourself but what is said about Donald Trump by this person is a lie! Plain and Simple

I and other prayer warriors are praying that God gives Donald Trump another 4 more years and when those years are done. We pray that his son will run for President to carry on what his father has done for us Americans.

Thank you for listening
Attention! To all that reads this message from ItryMyBest

Titled: God Please Help Biden Win and Restore this Country!

I speak to you in the Name of Jesus who is my Lord and Savior
I speak to you with humility and honesty. I have no interest in a Political Party. I am speaking as a servant of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God.This person who has brought this dire message pleading to God to help people get out to vote for Biden and those of you here to vote for Biden.First of all this person does not have the heart of Almighty God nor for the American people period! By this posting and the down right lies and deceptions that is made I doubt that this person is saved just using Gods name to deceive and influence the Saints here. These claims that is made against Donald Trump are totally false, bogus, made up and down right total LIES!

It’s just scare tactics to get you to vote for Biden because this is who they want instead of this person having the heart of God, for people, America, and for the aborted babies which is a sin murder plain and simple. Ten Commandants Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill and so many other abominations against God and righteousness that Biden and Harris are pushing and standing for. They are against anything that is Godly they hate anything that represents Jesus and the Holy Bible. Everything the Bible stands for this Party goes totally against. They associate good with evil and call evil good. Biden and Harris the whole Democratic Party are Legalist, Socialist and Communist. They are pushing to take away our rights and freedom even worshipping in Church. They want to change our Constitution and take away other rights that we freely are able to exercise. They want to remove “In God We Trust from our Money, They promote same sex marriages and even promote sex education in kindergarten and up in schools to teach the children about oral, anal and vaginal sexual acts. They promote killing babies even up to full term if you don’t want your baby just allow it to be killed. They promote little children who decide that they want to change their gender they support even a 3 year old child and up?
So many other ungodly things they stand for and support. One the other hand
Donald Trump is fighting for America and the American people against socialism, communism and legalism. Donald Trump supports freedom of religion; He fights for the rights of the American people regardless of race. There is so many other things that Donald Trump upholds and supports the Constitution of the United States of America

The Covid pandemic was not caused or sent by Donald Trump he did all that he could to help make the American people safe. When the Covid spread eased down this is when Donald Trump supported the cries of the parents and teachers to allow the schools to be opened. Also this bogus statement made that due to Donald Trump that children are getting Covid along with their parents, teachers and grandparents etc. America has not lost any such thing as nobility, and decency whatsoever! IF anybody would study what

Donald Trump stands for the American people verses Biden and Harris you can clearly see that I am telling you the TRUTH!

If Biden and Harris are elected America and the American people will lose their God given freedom and America will be no more Democracy! It will become a Socialist Country anti God and freedom of choice becoming totally under Government rule.

Please who ever read this do your own homework for yourself but what is said about Donald Trump by this person is a lie! Plain and Simple

I and other prayer warriors are praying that God gives Donald Trump another 4 more years and when those years are done. We pray that his son will run for President to carry on what his father has done for us Americans.

Thank you for listening
I for one can't understand this new phenomenon of "Christian Democrats."Thankfully, they're in the minority.

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