Your corporal body wasn't made to last. You will free yourself of your decaying garment and be outfitted with a glorious and permanent attire. It is neccessary while on earth to prepare oneself for suitable and proper fitting for this upcoming Wedding Feast, where the proverbial and proper dress code is required. We need to trim our excess baggage or dead weight if you will, in order to don our eternal look at the Wedding Feast. Visit your spiritual Tailor as often as you need to cleanse and mend your proverbial garment.
For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Peter says, "prepare your minds for action. . . ." 1 Pet. 1:13.
We must prepare our minds, to always act in a Godly fashion. Wear your best 'conduct' at all times.
Jesus did instruct us to be ready for His return. However, He was not referring to look in the sky for Him but to keep your proverbial lamp of righteousness burning. Whether through your death or if you believe in rapture, our Groom is coming to invite you to the Wedding. Don't be caught with your old rags on.
Are you sporting your best attire because formal wear is required.
For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Peter says, "prepare your minds for action. . . ." 1 Pet. 1:13.
We must prepare our minds, to always act in a Godly fashion. Wear your best 'conduct' at all times.
Jesus did instruct us to be ready for His return. However, He was not referring to look in the sky for Him but to keep your proverbial lamp of righteousness burning. Whether through your death or if you believe in rapture, our Groom is coming to invite you to the Wedding. Don't be caught with your old rags on.
Are you sporting your best attire because formal wear is required.