Beloved of All
I pray for forgiveness for the ill wishes and ill intent I have for the other 'woman' that has ruined my partner/spouse as a man, a father, ruined our relationship and played games with my head intentionally, ruining part of me. I also ask for forgiveness for allowing her to get in my head. I pray for guidance and justice, I don't want to be consumed by anger and hurt anymore, nor lied to, but she does not deserve the life I have earned, the family my son deserves and she is ruining. I pray that both her and my partner realize how horrible she is and that their communication is stopped permanently, maybe she can focus on reconciliation with her own child's father or if she finds someone else who is not in a relationship. I just really need her removed from our family. Please. I also ask for the strength to regain faith because the way life has been since her presence, I am losing faith, I am losing hope as every time I get my hopes up, I seem to be let down and/or forgotten. I believe in loyalty, commitment, and justice, and right now it feels like there isn't any. Whilst I know I may not be innocent, I have stood by him for so long, been nothing but loyal, faithful, and committed, had his child, been there for him, supported him, loved him, put up with so much from him, care so much, do my best only for her to get away with this. For him to continue both. Is there justice? I don't know what to do anymore. I want to make it work with my partner/father of my child, I love him and am committed to him, but I am so aware and I'm sorry but I don't just find infidelity OK, I need it to stop and he thinks because he lies about it not happening. He tells me it's in my head, but I know. I've seen and heard. Why can't my partner just be loyal, faithful, and committed to me? Why can't he stop all communications with her? Please. I feel this issue is really starting to affect most areas of my life now, due to the duration and despite doing my best I am really struggling, I need it to stop and I know it doesn't work like that but I pray again that this problem (her) be removed from our lives. That we get through this together, without her. That my son grow up in a loyal, faithful, happy, and loving household with mum and dad at home. That I no longer have to hide because I'm crying and I don't want my son to see me. Amen.