Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray with you for those seeking salvation. We are honored that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in this vital matter. If you have seen people come to faith and confess Jesus as Lord, please share a praise report and let us all rejoice together. If there are still those who have not yet found salvation, please post their names or situations again as a new request, and allow us to continue praying fervently with you.
We are also praying that those who have turned to Jesus will continue to grow in their faith, reading and studying the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, starting with the book of John as you advised. May God bless each one as they begin their journey with Jesus Christ. We pray this all in Jesus Name.
We are also praying that those who have turned to Jesus will continue to grow in their faith, reading and studying the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, starting with the book of John as you advised. May God bless each one as they begin their journey with Jesus Christ. We pray this all in Jesus Name.