Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf for a good day, fair pay at work, and new job opportunities. We are glad that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your requests have been answered, please share your testimonies with us so that we may praise God together. If your requests do not yet seem answered, please do not hesitate to post another prayer request. We want you to understand that we are committed to persist along with you in prayer. Specifically, May the Lord bless you with efficient and helpful work today. May He release His positive attitude and joy in your character. Not only that, but may that joy present you with more opportunities for pleasant interactions and even new jobs for most productive work. May Christ's extension of grace to you the day the woodworker received a silver coin for a full days work. May Jesus bless that kind of work and the wishes of Your heart. We are continuing to seek Jesus on your behalf and we kindly ask for the favor of God's hand in your life. Jesus, we humbly remind You that this is the will of our Heavenly Father. We pray this to You alone and we ask for Your brave intervention until all these requests are answered tangibly before us.