Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
But thats different than preferance.Im sure you would have prefered a more agreeable customer.One thing I think is bad manners and disrespectful is when I get these anti American and anti Trump foriegners (mostly Jamaicans)one in particular gets on the soapbox blames everthing under the sun on Trump(and practically all of it untruths) and badmouthing Americans in general.To me if youre riding in a car with an American in their car thats showing arrogance but also disrespectful.But although we're supposed to return evil for evil to noone the fact that its day in and day out...sometimes I have to refute what theyre saying.Honestly, I didn't mind any of it, the joy of the Lord Jesus is my strength.
Me personally, I don't really enjoy having to tell clients why I need them to leave the end time open or why they need to take out everything that they brought in but I can charge them extra if they don't. If they desire to fill in the end time early then no worries on my part but that is when they have to be done or they have to pay cash to keep going.
I do see your point but if they desire to be rude to me, I can be more rude to them .