We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6) and for the expulsion of Anti-Israel, Anti-American protesters posing as students on University Campuses (Gen 12:3). We ask for protection and respect for Jewish students, Abraham's physical descendants, and for their salvation by turning to The Messiah (Rom 11:25-26). We ask for the media and the government to allow peaceful assembly but to resist unlawful and violent uprisings of those who favor genocide. We ask for Law Enforcement to have favor, protection (Ps 91:10-11) and that people have respect of Authority (Rom 13:1-2). We ask you remove ungodly leaders and replace them with those who walk humbly with God (Psalm 75:6-7; Micah 6:8). In Jesus' Name (John 14:13). Amen (2 Cor 1:20). We pray for real Christians who respect the whole of The Bible (Psalm 119:160, 2 Tim 3:16) and not pick at the Bible like it were a buffet that you can pick and choose the verses you like, or have itching ears, accumulating teachers in accordance with their own desires (2 Tim 4:3). In Jesus' Name (John 14:13), Amen (2 Cor 4:3).