Father, I request Favor with management, Co-workers and Clientele, finances, teamwork in helping do side work, high sales for a summer contest, 5-star reviews on Social Mediaand five dinner hifts per week (and a few lunch shifts as well)... I ask for great tables and the ability to meet every...
Favor, Wisdom, Skill, Timing, Multi-tasking, Improvement of My Memory, Sales, Placement in Summer Contests & 5-Star Social Media Reviews & Finances to Eliminate Debts...
FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY of OUR LORD JESUS, I request FAVOR with management, Co-workers and Clientele, finances, teamwork in...
I request FAVOR with management, Co-workers and Clientele, finances, teamwork in helping do side work, high ranking in summer contests, 5-star reviews on Social Media and 4 dinner shifts per week (and 2 or 3 lunch shifts/doubles as well)...
I ask for great tables and the ability to meet every...