Beloved of All
Emergeny urgen prayer request for my grandma who is in the hospital . she is ill. pLeas epray the Lord heal her brain , xygen to be properly transported to al her brain and that no weapon formed gainst her prospers. and her bowels and that my grandma is healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ Permantley and dleivered from all the root causes of her illnesses and that God heals her the Great Physician heals her now tha Jesus gives life to all areas of herb ody and strengthens her heart and that my Grandma encounters The LOrd in a VERY power ful was and that all unbelif in Jesus the Christ leaves her and my family now that or faith and actually knowing the Lord happens. Please pray that the Lord Please restore her to excellent health and wholeness all for HIs Glory and also heals allthe sick int he hospital and guides the hospital staff to give the proper treatment that God wants them to give my Grandma at a all times. Please pray Holy angels surorund my grandma at all times and that the LOrd guides the medical staff with Wisdom on how to care and treat my grandma. Please prase pray my grandma is delivered of all dmonic opression completles by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ and God does all in HIs power to completley heal my grandmas blood pressure circulation, lack or oxygen flow and dleiver sher blood form all impurities repairs her blood flow and cleans her blood and veins and heart and arteries and gives her a very strong cheerful merry heart. Please pray that this happens for the Glro yof God in th enam eof the LOrd and Savior of all the Lord jesu Christ. Lord please make your Holy sSPirit and presence heal my grandma of all manner of illness and cast out all demons form her permantley please. Please make it so my Grandma encounters you in such a power way Lord and knows you that all illness and devil fless form her right now in th ename of the Lord JesuChrist all for Your lroy and POwer. PLEase Lord PLease send Your Holy SPirit upon my grandma and completley deliver her from all manner of aillness and disease and take away the root causes of all her illnesses and disease and strenthen her entire beign . You are the Lord All power is YOurw Please deliver my Grandma form every evil spiritual root in her heart and body and please dry up the roots forever and delive rher form all evil and every root of sickness must leave Schnider Vilmos body bow. every evil root casuing illness must dryu p and leave her entire being foreve rin the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. Every evil bondage that Grandé has with Satan i cmmand Schneider Vilmosné to be loosed form the bonds of Satan in every way by the Arm of the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. I command every bond my grandma has with Satan be broken and that she be loosed( freed) completley from all bonds all soul ties to Satan by the Poer of the holy Spirit forever. Schneider Vilmosné be Compeltley and permantley and forever deliverded DELIVERED FREED LOOSED f rom every EVERY evil bondage to Satan in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ! I command every evil nodage to Satan be broken now in Schnider Vilmosneé life. In th ename of the Lord Jesu CHrist BY HIs HOlY SPirit! All manner of diease MUSt leave her body now! All evil spirits must leave her body now! Her body soul spirit be made whole now in the nam eof the Lord Jesu Christ BY the Power of HIs HOly Spirit. All weakness leave her now! IN the name of the Lord JEus Christ! All pain gas bloating leave her now! Small bowel disorder be healed now in the nam eof the Lord Jeus Christ! All seizures by healed by the Great Physician now! IN the name of the Lord Jesu Christ! All manner of sickness and disease be heale dnow! IN the name of the Lord Jeus Christ! All arthritis be healed now In th enam eof the Lord Jesu Christ! Blood pressure complications in her body be made whole by the blood of Christ now! Schneider Vilmosné I command as a belive rin Christ that you be heale dint he name of the Lord Jesu Christ that be His stripes Ye are healed and set free from Satan forever now in the name of the Lord Jesu CHrist. I command your brian to be healed and made whole by the blood of the Lord JEsu Christ now! and foevr ! I command permanant healign to all your cells now! In the anme fo the Lord Jesu Christ as beliver I have authrotiy to cast out demons and so in the nam eof th elord Jesu Christ i command all unclean spirits to leave your body now and never allow it to reenter you or anyone agein or anythign again! In th ename of the Lord Jesu Christ. In the nam eof the Lord Jesu Chris tbe loosed of all infirmities by the power of the Holy SPirit. Scheider Vilmosné belive in Christ now! Satan you MUSt flee her body now in the nam eof the Lord Jesu CHrist and you sare allow to reenter her or anyone ever again! IN the name of the LOrd JesuChrist Shcneider VIlmosné be heakled. BY the stripes of the LOrd JEsu Christ you are healed and set free from all evil and be reconciled to God through OUr Lord and Savior Jesu Christ. Heavenely Father Please magnify the name of the Lord JEsu Christ and heal my grandma make her whole Lord and deliver her from all evil spirit permantley. Thank you for giving me the authority to heal Grandé and the cast out evil spirits form her. I use this authoritsy as a belive rin Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesu Christ Schneider Vilmosné be delivered of all manner of sick ness illness and diseases forever in the anem fot he Lord Jesu Christ. I command very evil spirit to leave you body and never to return into you. Be set free by the power of the HOly Spirit By the Lord Jesu Christ from eevr ybondage to Satan forever. in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. I command your brain to be healed of all sickness and i command all obstructions to your blood flow to leave your body now in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. I comman no weapon formed against you prospsper i command all unclean spirits to to leave all people permantley now in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ and I command that those evil spirits never to return. Icommand all people to be healed from all manner of illness and sickness and weakness at the hopital and every where now in th ename fo the Lord Jesu Christ. I comamnd all evil spirits to leave the hospital now and in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. I command the dead to be raised back to life int he name of the Lord Jesu Christ. LOrd JesuIS doing this. HE has all power. He be glorofied. It is His power that heals Grandé now of all illness and diease. I n the name of the Lord Jesu Christ all obstruction in Grandés organs must leave he rbody now. Every evil spirit tormenting her body leave now and never return in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ.I command all of Grandés flesh soul body mind and being be made whole permantley by the Power of the Lord Jesu Christ. I command that All her body, mind, hands eyes barain organs blood blood pressure all her body be made whole by the Power of the Lord Jesus Chris t Spirit. I command no evil touch my Grandma in anyway. I command her to recieve allof Gods healihng for her now and all sickness and dieases permanentley leave her body foever by the Power of the hOly Spirit and that Schneider VIlmosné is permantley healed right now this is a command right now! and that all brian function be made whole int he name of the Lord Jesu Christ. By His Stripes Ye are healed accept this in your spirit Shcndier Vilmosné now be healed by the stripe sof the lord Jesu Christ now. All devil flee form her body soul mind pysche personality her ever being.. right now and i allow no evil spirit to reenter her body. Exccess fluid leave her bod ynow. All blood umpurities leave her body now. All bondage to satan be broken now int he name of the Lord Jesu Christ i command this upon You Shcnider Vilmosné. I command you be able to open your hands. I command Satan to leave all your cells now. I command ever evil unclena spirit to leave yur body permantley and to neever return into your body. Satan GEt out of my Grandma life in every way right now!!!! In the name of the Lord Jesu Christ flee form her and eneevr return into her. I command Satan to permantley leave this eath niw in the nameof the lord JeUS christ. I command Satan to leave all people now and neevr return into them. I Command God bles Glorified throguh Christ Only,. Thank YOu Lord for healign Grandé witht he powe rof Your Holy Spirit. MAy Your Heaven Kingdom come upon her and dleiver her form all evil ever thought or spoken over her life int he name of the Lord JEus Christ. I command all evil spoken or thought of her to have no effec ton her whatsoever and the Lord takes aways all thoughts by His Holy Blod and allsuch evil Jesu take away form my grandma. Lord breath life into her HEla her by yoUr stripes now!! JeuD and BE foreevr delivered of every root of evil in your body, mind, soul and spirit With the stripe sof the Lord JEsu The Christ NOW With the stripes Lord Jesu Christ Schnider Vilmosné I command you to become whole in Christ right now foreve rint he name of the Lord Jesu Christ. is made whole adn healed. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all illness all seizure be healed in th enam eof Jeus ChristThat the Lord Jesu Christ fights for her and intervenes for her and heals her with His Holy Presence. MY grandma is alone int he hospital. Please pray God froces the medical staff to do His Will VEry Strongly with Wisdom. Please pray they allow me to come visit her as today visitors are nto allowed and pray that i have wisdom by the Holy Spirit and strength to do all that God wants meto do. and her bowels and that my grandma is healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ. With HIs stripes Schnider Vilmosné is made whole adn healed. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all illness all seizure be healed in th enam eof Jeus Christ