Humble Servant of All
Emergecny VERY urgent ! pleas epray in agrreeement wiht me . Thank you with all my heart. God bless oyu forever. pleas epray urgent i Pelase Lord Jesus Christ for HIS Glor yand power doeal all in His power to heal my grandmas Schneider Vilmosné's heart heart blood pressure and all concernign her circulaton and lack of oxygen and heart disease osteoporosis severe spine deformities and hand and feet deformities. Pleas ei beg you please idont want to loose her. she has been hospitalised many times. they dont do anyhtign bood fgive her blood pressure medication. Please it doent help. she is deformed please she need the Lord Jesus Christ to heal her circulation and blood please pray for her urgent. her blood pressur eis so high form driniking jsut abit of wate ro bit or movement. please hel please LOrd Jesus Christ heal her form all her illness and disease and set her free form all blod pressure and blood impurities and all that caused such problems int he name of the lord Jesus Christ. . Pleas eLord make make her arteries and verins and heart 100% strong and healthy and miraculously shift and posiiton her body parts and whole body and form new organs if necessars, new cells, Lord Jesus Christ rgreat PHysician do all you need to do to hela her for YOur Glory praise hOnour and thanks to you Lord Jesus Christ . please pray my Grandm is healed by the stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ. i do not wan tot loose her. . PLeas epray God send billions of Holy angels to heal her spine and posture and heals her minsiters ot her with His HOly angels and servants. Lord Jeuss Chris tplease hela her psoture and spineal column and all her organs so they so not press into one anothe rand obstruct her blood pathway renal pathway urinary pathway and .. please properly posiiton all her organs so she can have proper bowel movement swith out any problems Please lord Jesus Christ. and cause high blood pressure and fluid build up. LOrd Jesus Chris tmiraculuols y hela he rspine and he rhips form cross syndrome form small bowel obstruction so she can pass gas apur breaht with out problems and eliminate wastes properly please Lord Jesus Chris ti pray YOu make her wholl.e dleiver her form all manner of sickness and disease for YOur names sake Lord Jesus Christ heal her of all manner of sickness and siease heal and pisition her whole body tomiraculuosly be alinged and helaed and whole by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. realign her whoel body to be no longer deformed mend all her bones muscles ligaments supernaturally giver her back her memory and heal her dementia osteoporsis and dleiver her forever form whatever caused they illnesses in her life. please miraculously deliver her forever form all the vil spirits and root causes of all her sicknesses and diseases and please do not allow any evil spirits ot reenterh er. Please make sure she gets all she need fromt he hospital. please not allow any evilt o come upn her. Lord Jesus christ strongly intercede and intervene in Schneider Vilmosné's likfe. Please let your Will bedone concernin g her have merc yon my many sins. force me to do your will. Force all peopel to do your will, and heall all the sick at the hospital. MAy your salvation yome to all at the hospital and do all in your poer to dleiver all in the hospital and their fmailies and all peopel form all evil. pelase heal my grandma and please dleiver her form all her crampign issues and heal her heart and all pertainign to her heart deliver her heart form all evil spirits and supernaturall give her all the food and liquids and water that she need sLord send thousand of holy helaign angels to her and do all you can to save her soul and dleiver her form all evil. have mercy on my sins. please help me to do better. please dleiver my grandma form all her sins wiht your Holy Blood. Please Lord Jesus Christ i ask that oyu make ma grandma whole now please and dleiver her hands form lack of oxygen and the caus eof her deformities and please restore her body so she doe snto have cross syndrom anymore. miracululsy strneghren and giver her body all taht her body needs ot be whole and healthy mirclously and VEry rapidly. I begy ou Lord Jesu Christ have compassion forgivness and help my grandma dn my fmaily. Please Lord Jesus christ. forgive me disobedience. do alliny our power to mend all my grandmas fingers and give her back all her movement memory. please protect her form all evil at all times and guide all the workers workign with her with your Holy Spirit. Be wiht themat at all times. Please dotn allowe her blood pressure to be too high or too low. please give back her movement memory. deliver the caus eof her lack of movment. delive rher brian form all evil. pelaerestore her braina dn hear tna dbody accoridng to your stripes mirculoulsy Please Lord Jesu Christ heal my grandmas whole body and flesh. pelase strengthen he ri beg you .Lord Jesus christ please strngthen her heart. do all iny our power to heal her by your stripes. please giver her your salvation Lord Jesu SChrist. Be iwht her now Lord and heal her. lether know it is You. Be glorified Lord Jesu christ. Please Grandé.Pelase heal Schneider Vilmosné Vilmosné miraculously in every way and deliver her 100% and forever form all her illnesses and form all evil causing these illnesses. pelase heal her heart supernaturally. Please only let oyur will be doen in her life. pelase dont let them hurt her in any way at the hsoptial. Pelase Lord jEus Christ. PLEASe PLEase HEal HEr strongly intervene in this matte rplease God ibeg you. Please dont let anyhting hurt her and please protect he rblood pressure form all eivl. strngthen her heart give her a merry heart and dleiver her form all evil . heal her bowels now