Many of you may not be aware but it's a constant battle to be able to send email. Many providers will routinely reject emails for any number of reasons. It could be the place we send emails through, the rate, something in the email, or almost anything. Unfortunately, there's not really anything that can be done about it unless we spend thousands of extra per year on more expensive email providers. As it is, the cost for this site *just to send email* is about $1,000 per year.
If there's an error message you see about it on this site, it's in response to a rejection error. Your email will appear to be working, but somewhere along the way someone is blocking it. Some providers are worse than others such as aol and at&t.
For now we will have to live with it unless you want to try changing email providers. I can't look into individual cases because it's very time consuming and usually just happens again.
If there's an error message you see about it on this site, it's in response to a rejection error. Your email will appear to be working, but somewhere along the way someone is blocking it. Some providers are worse than others such as aol and at&t.
For now we will have to live with it unless you want to try changing email providers. I can't look into individual cases because it's very time consuming and usually just happens again.