Hallelujah, Praise the lord, be in faith with HIM, Glory to lord, Yeshua I pray to you see the sufferings of your child bless them with whatever they want heal them instantly please I beg Yeshua heal us, bless your son's and daughters with whatever they want show us yours father we ask this in JESUS name thank you Yeshua Amen hallelujahDr. Trim my name is Latecia Gregory . I have been diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease. Non -alcoholic . I have a vision in which I started a business Harvest Hope Food Pantry in Mississippi. We grow fresh vegetables to sale in Markets. I also glean to give to the needy. However, I am in prayer for a building. As well as more finances to be able to give year round. We only grow vegetables in the summer. My passion is to feed those, who are in need of food. God bless you.