Pray with me...
"All those that hate You must be silent before me; Their hearts are dead in regard to us; and their tongues are Mute, so that they are not at all able to inflict the least injury Upon us, or our house, or our bodies, our finances nor our minds: And likewise, all those who intend attacking and wounding us , with their arms, actions, words and weapons shall be defenseless, Weak and conquered before us. In this shall assist us the Holy power of God, which can make all arms, words, actions or weapons of no avail. All this in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen." We thank You, trust You, need You, praise You and love You! Amen
"O Lord,
You placed the stars in the sky.
You created a myriad of beautiful life.
You gave us our breathe and water to drink.
You are a living Lord.
You are our Saviour, in whom we trust.
Please rescue this person from this financial crisis,
come redeem this situation.
I ask for Your almighty hand to come and cover them.
Give them wisdom and strength to stand strong through this situation.
I ask for a miracle for them, by Your redeeming love.
Please restore them, and lead them to a safe financial place, a secure financial place,
a place of financial balance.
In You they trust."
In Jesus name I pray. Amen