Beloved of All
Dear warriors I wanted you to know they are now saying my son Joseph Patrick has mass cells in his stomach Cause of long term covid! They treat this patients like they are little more than a worm on the floor! The nurse came to see him. Told us they would help JOSEPH told us they were ordering blood test. To get him a feeding tube. Well the orders for the blood test got lost for three weeks. It took another week to find out what we already knew they are letting him die. Just like they did the Jews in the prison camps. They keep these people out of the public eye. These people have no hope, Doctors tell them their crazy. But the truth is this virus got out of hand. It was only to attack and kill A and B blood types some I blood types of they had medical problems! Anyone having long term covid should not exist. They didn't quite get it right so we all are going to pay the price. All I can tell you if you've had covid you have a ticking time bomb in side of you! You will not know what's going on when you get sick! It attacks different organs. You will have medical problems one after another the good old Doctors will not know what's going on with You. So they say! I do believe them what ever is going on there is a lot of high up people involved. I can tell you your stomach immune system must be health . So take things to keep your stomach health take A &B vitamins make sure no fillers in them. Are medicine with fillers in them. They are harmful to you body. I pray for all of you! Prayer warrior 's thank you with all my ❤ you have been my strength please keep praying for Joseph Patrick Hutchins he is in need of Jesus intervention and protection. And please keep praying for me ! What ever this is its strong and form hell ! Your prayers help me fight against the darkness around these sick people. Bless you All warriors and please get anointed with the Holy oil God commanded Moses to make. It has to be made right are it doesn't work! Please become God's anointed army and help save all that we can in Jesus name! Amen