Dear pastor and the prayer team. I have been struggling with breaking out of sexual sin since childhood after I got molested. I have been giving myself off to anyone who would be tempted enough to touch me. Things got worse after I got raped when I was 15 after getting help with my assignment from my ex boyfriend who I have left because I did not want to engage into this sin anymore. I gave myself off again fell pregnant and had a child at 18 yrs of age. I have struggled to let go of the sin and porn addiction. My partner and I have been struggling with breaking out of sexual sin and I feel so much pain that I feel the pressure to break off our engagement because all hope is lost and if I don't break away from my relationship I will be stuck in this sin. We would skip weeks without fornicating but we would sometimes fall and it disappoints me because I see no progress we would pray and ask our close friends to pray with us and advise us but now some of them are tired of hearing the same thing from us. We love each other and our daughter but this sin is killing us. I don't know what to do and I hear different voices one says I should let go of our relationship and the other says I shouldn't. When I worship the pain lifts but I still need to make a choice. I need prayer for deliverance and to make the right choice.