Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God I pray that you will reunite and unite me and my list of best friends in unity and I pray that you will fix and recover and make work all my friends and my social media accounts including our Facebook pages Instagram pages Twitter pages Snapchat pages email pages Myspace pages and all the rest of our social media pages and I pray that we will follow add and friend each other on each page and if a friend does not have a social media page I pray that you help them create one of each account of social media or more how many they want and friend add and follow me and each other on them and then I pray that you will update all for social media accounts and I pray that you will block cancel delete and get rid of all the hackers scammers gay folks people who think they know it all people who's looking for a serious relationship people who looks like us and have our names or have names close to our names sugar Mama's and sugar daddies people you have a serious attitude any anyone else that we wouldn't want on a social media pages or phone contacts get rid of them please and I pray that you will help me lose 50 to 150 lb of weight on my body and I pray that you will forgive me and my friends and the world for our sins mistakes wrongdoings and wrong thinking and I pray that you will heal us redeem us and cleanse us and I pray that you will feed the hunger and the poor and give shelter and a home to the hunger and the poor and I pray that you will return renew and restore all my good dreams and good versions of dreams that I have lost within the past 11 12 13 14 15 16 years to now that I wanted or would of wanted or still want to come true to come true and come back to me and continue and many forms or ways possible and I pray that they will happen come to pass come to life become real become a reality come true and I pray that you will give me and my friends the property that I've been asking for with all the vehicles and everything in it that we want and would want put all the stuff that we were in we were in the property to satisfy us and make it perfect and never boring property on earth and in heaven when we die and I pray that you will come into a hearts souls minds strength s and bodies and become a one and only Lord and savior King one true God and everything forever and ever and I pray that me and my friends will be always the best friend and the people that each other would want each other to be and let us act and like what each other likes and attitudes and characters and everything and I pray that you will let me and my friends want and be able to kiss on each other cheeks forehead chin and neck and lay down go to cheek to cheek and snuggle up with each other and rub and Pat each other on the cheeks and I pray that we are hug each other and call and say stuff like Hey cutie , cutie pie , you got cute face , you look cute , you got a cute smell , your smells cute , hey handsome, hey best friend , hey my handsome friend , hey my beautiful friend and other stuff like that without any problems at all or without anyone coming in between us or controlling us or overpowering us or telling us whats appropriate or not appropriate or how to run a lives and I pray that we will be able to do that with out a problem at all wherever we go and I pray that you will make me short like my best friends Cody and Andrew and I pray that I would just get everything that I want and would want in this life / my life including all the money that me and my friends would need and want please provide it for us so we can survive the rest of our lives and I pray this in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I Pray Amen