Dear God, I come to you as always the best way I know how. Yes, I have my fault and I am truly sorry. Please forgive. I know I have fail you and even myself. But God give me peace and understanding to come out of this financial burden. I want to help others as well as myself. It is hard sometimes taken care of just me. But I ask one more times and hopefully when two or more gather with me in prayer. I will be restore back to what you need from me and take care of me Lord. Let my guardian angel you assign to me the day I was born to help on your behalf to show me you Jesus. And for you to, if it just a moment ,to see about me.I know you busy. And this world we live in is a totally mess. But I am trying to get me straight with you. In this life ,I learn that we don't know the hour or second we are call home .I want to be happy and take care of me and help other like me. That is going through abuse and rejection. Fearful and don't know is they coming or going. I pray Jesus will hear my cry and related all my tears and heartache to his Father in your name Jesus. Cause when it all said and done. You know my name as well as everyone that is going through pain. Please be with them as you be with me, if it's just a moment. Thank you Jesus and Amen