Dear Father God, please help my child prepare for her test and pass. Thank You for my daughter. She is a gift and a blessing. Please give her the desires of her heart and help her develop and maintain a relationship with You. I pray the same for my son. Keep him safe, happy, and healthy. May...
Father God I have disobeyed you again, I confess my drunkenness my lusting after women profanity and whatever else I may have done wrong without realising in Jesus Name. I seek your forgiveness in Jesus Name, I ask for your mercy in Jesus Name and I pray you deliver me Father God in Jesus Name...
I am now once again in the most stressful and hectic month of the year at my work. During this period, I always make mistakes on my paperwork. I know it's because of my clumsiness and carelessness. Father God, please help me to avoid making mistakes at work, and if ever I do, please help me find...