Fear leave us in Jesus! I was once alone in the mountains of Arizona and a large mountain lion appeared right above me, fear tried to get me, amazing how fast our minds work, my first thought was run, I knew that wouldn't work from watching animals on my phone, on TV etc. I spoke; we are at peace with each other through Jesus imputed Righteousness in me and it left me alone. I remembered reading in Job that the beasts of the field are at peace with the Righteous. Another time in the same area I was with my wife and we both brushed right next to a rattle snake, within less than an inch of it, I didn't even notice it until I was helping my wife go by, it was a dangerous area. I had prayed that the beasts of the area would see Jesus, their creator in us and leave us alone. Not in these instances but imagine having the entire Bible flash before your eyes in which I have fully read not just once but many times. Whenever fear tries to get me I just speak; fear leave me in Jesus and it does!