Hallelujah, I stand up with you, Praise the lord, you are blessed in JESUS name, Holy Spirit will guide you, Yeshua protect all your son's and daughters today from today onwards i ask for the protection, I ask for guidance by HOLY SPIRIT, I ask for their blessings, Yeshua they suffered a lot, now they are looking towards you , Yeshua I pray to you bless them, thank you Yeshua AmenDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I've been sober for 5 days now and am experiencing quite a number of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Please ask God to keep me safe and heal my body, mind, and soul. Please pray for my health, finances, family and loved ones, the way I deal with and care for my mom, my dog, and that my truck keeps running safely and reliably. Please ask Him to help me stay sober too. I ask this all in Jesus Name. Amen.