Dear Lord,
TY that A felt somewhat better today, although in the p.m. her throat started getting sore. I pray that you will cont. to protect her + M from any lingering Covid symptoms, now + in the future. Please also protect them from any + all plagues or problems with their immune systems. In addition, I ask that you protect them from any problems when they go on their trip soon. Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause respiratory problems, + A has not fully recovered. Please add a great many extra layers of protection to their cells.
Above all, I pray for their salvation. It grieves me that for now, at least, they are away from you + don't see the need to come back to you. Please change their hearts, minds + spirits. Pour out your spirit on them in a mighty way, like you did with the future King David. Give them a great sense of urgency to seek you. Pull them to a church that teaches the truth, + give them a desire to attend regularly. Restore unto them a heart for prayer + an active prayer life. Do not allow them to die in unbelief.
TY for all you have done + cont. to do. In your holy name, amen.
TY that A felt somewhat better today, although in the p.m. her throat started getting sore. I pray that you will cont. to protect her + M from any lingering Covid symptoms, now + in the future. Please also protect them from any + all plagues or problems with their immune systems. In addition, I ask that you protect them from any problems when they go on their trip soon. Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause respiratory problems, + A has not fully recovered. Please add a great many extra layers of protection to their cells.
Above all, I pray for their salvation. It grieves me that for now, at least, they are away from you + don't see the need to come back to you. Please change their hearts, minds + spirits. Pour out your spirit on them in a mighty way, like you did with the future King David. Give them a great sense of urgency to seek you. Pull them to a church that teaches the truth, + give them a desire to attend regularly. Restore unto them a heart for prayer + an active prayer life. Do not allow them to die in unbelief.
TY for all you have done + cont. to do. In your holy name, amen.