Miranda T
Faithful Servant
Recapped on last prayer requests, my up stairs neighbors hit the walls n floor too hard. Many walls of this apartment I am living are with vertical cracks from ceiling to floor and horizontally throughout my bedroom, I have developed allergies due to the dust coming out of the walls. After notifying the landlady, she has done nothing, but she asked if upstairs neighbor can fix all the walls for her. I believe it may involve lawsuits. I am thinking of moving out but I have only limited budget, I saw most advertising is 2-3k more than my current place. I hope to find a place 12k per month or below, my last place was 9k per month, I lived there for almost three years until the several water pipes problem. Pray for a miracle will happen and God will protect my health. Besides, I need a job to provide me or allow me to sit on a hard surfaced chair due to the pain I got with the bone marrow edema of my right sacroilliac joint due to AS. Pray that God will provide me with a way out and hope upstairs will shorten the renovation and end soon. In Jesus' name. Amen!