We are so glad You came to save us from going to hells burning fire and delivered us from all kinds of torments from hell and from all guilt of past our past life. As long as we obey Gods word in worship and adoration to Him alone. Other gods of the world should not be worshipped or adored as...
Our soul should raise a beautiful song to our Maker Who sent us here to earth to praise and glorify His holy name. Let us all stand in a sure and eternal ground where we shall lift our voice to the Lord who made heaven and earth. My soul peels out praises to His holy name.
Jesus come and...
A wonderful choir of God is made us of many voices, it could be yours and others who come to church to join is in praise and adoration to God almighty. It is just like in heaven above, all angels, cherubims and zeraphims along with all the prophets of old and the saints who have gone up before...