Put succinctly, my coworker is almost impossible for me to deal with. I've been at this job 5 years and she's gotten progressively worse over time, especially since her daughter died 2 1/2 years ago. She is a micromanager, brash, loud, rude, outspoken, domineering, must ALWAYS be in control and insists everyone does everything like she wants them to, and she has VERY little patience. She makes passive aggressive comments constantly, etc. People have quit in the past, due to her behavior. I could go on but I won't. Starting in May, we will be working together closely almost every day of the week, all summer long. Here's the thing: she supposedly is a Christian! AND... she goes to my church!!! That's another prayer request entirely. My request is, please pray that either I change to where her behavior doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does, BEFORE May, or that SHE changes where she is not brash, loud, and bossy and insistent on having things her way. I honestly don't know if I can handle another summer working around her; I've already done several and this last summer I almost didn't make it without quitting on the spot. I care for her and would be distraught if anything happened to her, but I just can't work around her. Speaking to her about the behavior will not work because it's been attempted many times before by other people and she just gets defensive and throws the blame back on them, and will very easily argue. It is a very small home-based business with just us few co-workers so I cannot go to any HR.
Quitting is not an option until the summer is over, as she would be very angry that I'm leaving the business hanging; also, I need the money.