Dear Lord,
Today was frustrating. I went to a lot of trouble to inform my coordinator about issues with my BP, + how I've had to have IV meds to bring it down before procedures can be done. These types of IV meds are generally given by an anesthetist. However, there was no one from anesthesia assigned to my case today, so the biopsy couldn't be done.
Then the transplant team just went ahead + rescheduled the procedure w/o even asking me if that day would work for me. I emailed her back to say I don't want the biopsy. Based on what one doc told me, there is no treatment that won't aggravate the cancer, so why bother. The types of treatment that are available likely won't do any good anyway.
I am thankful that my friend Dee could drop me off + pick me up. I appreciate her. Please bless her.
I pray that the transplant team will accept my decision + not hassle me to get a biopsy that likely will not provide any real useful info.
Give me patience + strength as I cont. to deal with these endless health problems.
In your holy name, amen.