There are many things I don't like, and distractions are one of them.When you're trying to take care of, or focus on, something, same pattern--nothing was happening, but just as you chose a time to do something, here it comes--something else "pops up",or the cell phone "bombs off", or some chatterbox starts to bend your ear about things you're not interested in.when you have other things to do. But as it relates to us,how can we even focus on Godly things whenPoof!!Just at that time, here comes the stupid distraction. Many times, I felt lead to post something, or ask a Biblical question here, and just as I was getting to the most important part{or for that matter,even my thoughts, when I'm about to get a revelation of knowledge on something},here it comes--ring!!ring!! the cellphone starts bombing off,and the person starts bogging me down in something that completely sidetracks me from the spiritual.Question, is this coincidence? Or,does the devil use distractions to get our mind off focusing on Godly things? If not, then why does the distraction come at" just that time?" Also, why did Jesus go into the wilderness to get in touch spiritually?There were no chatterboxes, people nagging Him to do things, cellphones bombing off,noises, etc.No DISTRACTIONS.So I would think, if the distraction pops up at just the "wrong time", it could very well be one of the devils tactics.Do you think?