Beloved of All
And I wonder,
what has become of His church, a far cry from the early church that walked out in faith, followed by signs and wonders! Are we one of those letters Christ wrote to in Revelation? Maybe all of them!
It is no wonder if you think about it, we have one written word, the Bible, yet thousands of denominations, we can’t even agree on His truths, if it doesn’t line up with what “our” church teaches, believes, it is false! It is no wonder that Christ said, when I return, will I find faith? How can he, when we can not agree to follow, together. Is there not one Most High, one Christ, one Holy Spirit? Are we not called the “church”, not the “churches” ! Are we not called the “body”, not the “bodies”! Are we not called to have the mind of Christ? yet we cling to the mind of man! Are we not called to have one “voice” and not “voices”! It is written that we do not war against flesh and blood, but principalities, spiritual, demonic enities, yet we war against one another, divided, and on Sunday’s, we are more so divided, by denominations!
Christ gave the “church” power, to overcome all stumbling blocks the devil can lay before us, the church is a powerhouse if united in Christ, with one mind, body and spirit, and the devil fears this, that is why we have division, thus denominations. Just imagine praise reports if we got on our faces and truly cried out to the Most High, just imagine if the church truly moved as one, with God! And it is written, more than we can imagine! Yet we deny the Power.
Oh Father I lift the prayers on these pages, the brokenness, the many forms of brokenness, asking you to mend, to strengthen, to heal, to provide, to make a way, oh Father humbled I ask. It is written that it is You that causes us to praise, to bring us to thanksgiving, all praises are yours, and I thank you, Amen and Amen
God Bless
We the church needs to step up, and start moving mountains, we are a force to be reckoned with, if we would just move together on behalf of each other in the power that is in us!
what has become of His church, a far cry from the early church that walked out in faith, followed by signs and wonders! Are we one of those letters Christ wrote to in Revelation? Maybe all of them!
It is no wonder if you think about it, we have one written word, the Bible, yet thousands of denominations, we can’t even agree on His truths, if it doesn’t line up with what “our” church teaches, believes, it is false! It is no wonder that Christ said, when I return, will I find faith? How can he, when we can not agree to follow, together. Is there not one Most High, one Christ, one Holy Spirit? Are we not called the “church”, not the “churches” ! Are we not called the “body”, not the “bodies”! Are we not called to have the mind of Christ? yet we cling to the mind of man! Are we not called to have one “voice” and not “voices”! It is written that we do not war against flesh and blood, but principalities, spiritual, demonic enities, yet we war against one another, divided, and on Sunday’s, we are more so divided, by denominations!
Christ gave the “church” power, to overcome all stumbling blocks the devil can lay before us, the church is a powerhouse if united in Christ, with one mind, body and spirit, and the devil fears this, that is why we have division, thus denominations. Just imagine praise reports if we got on our faces and truly cried out to the Most High, just imagine if the church truly moved as one, with God! And it is written, more than we can imagine! Yet we deny the Power.
Oh Father I lift the prayers on these pages, the brokenness, the many forms of brokenness, asking you to mend, to strengthen, to heal, to provide, to make a way, oh Father humbled I ask. It is written that it is You that causes us to praise, to bring us to thanksgiving, all praises are yours, and I thank you, Amen and Amen
God Bless
We the church needs to step up, and start moving mountains, we are a force to be reckoned with, if we would just move together on behalf of each other in the power that is in us!